
Off to Monday!

Five-year-old Daryon, is caught while trying to eat a popsicle for breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on the day after Thanksgiving. Simply precious! I don't know this child, but having raised children myself, I think I know him quite well! Brace yourselves and enjoy! (Sorry, it's in Farsi. If anyone is interested in knowing what is happening, just drop me a line and I will explain.)

Have a nice week everybody!


آمیز نقی خان said...

yeah, cute
I saw this one on Iranian and it made me laugh loudly.

Anonymous said...

man ke natoonestam bebinam felan.
badan enshala. ajaba axi gozashti!! adam gorosneh mishe ke!

shad bashi hamishe


Unknown said...

it was funny :)))))))))))))))