
Keep My Chair Warm!

Over the next three days, I will be moving into a new home. Though 25 boxes of books, CD’s, plates, and pictures have already been packed and moved, it is glaringly clear now that I am way behind my schedule (and to think that I made a living as a Project Manager, hahaha!). So, I am taking a few days off to go take care of it. I will most likely not have access to a computer or internet for this weekend. As soon as I can get Comcast to set up my service at the new place, I’ll be back! Take a rest from my nonsense my dears, or go look at my older nonsense (I mean posts)! Though you all get lucky as a result of my absence, First Prize goes to Mr. Javid of Iranian.com, who won’t have to publish my work or answer my emails this weekend for a change! Be good y’all and be happy. Keep my chair warm! I'll be back!


Anonymous said...

khale joon: I'd love to keep your chair warm, unfortunately you might not like my methods of such accomplishment. I wish I were there to help you with this, I know how you feel having moved several times ALL by myself. It's us shirzans who will rule the world one day..damn feminism.

Rosemary Welch said...

I know that dreaded act: Packing, unpacking, finding things in the wrong box, not finding them in the box I KNOW I put them in, and on and on.

After it's mostly if not all done, take a nice bubble bath in a candle lit while listening to your favorite music.

I only wish you could receive this before you had to pack your computer! Have a great weekend.

Nazy said...

Dear Rosemary:

Thank you for coming to visit my blog. I am honored. You caught me just as I was about to pack up my "technology" for the move! What good advice! I will have to wait for that relaxation until I have earned it, though! I am so far behind it is now reaching panic stages. The movers will be here in a few hours and one room is not packed at all! I'll have to wake up at 5:00 a.m. to prepare. No matter how disorganized I have been, however, I am so excited for this move. I'll post pictures of m progress soon. Thanks again for coming by. Come again.

Tameshk said...

Nazy Joonam

Your Place is always reserved for you, I wish I was there, then I could have done something. Although small but something; as small as making you some Tea even!

I am in Boston these days and God only knows that it is cold here, I can't wait to go back an start writing!

Looking forward to read your post and I've missed you already.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nazy: You'll be missed. I detect a certain excitment, sense of order and renewal in your tone although you sound frazzled...Great things awaits you.