So, O.K. She is not as pretty as Mona Lisa, but could Mona Lisa play music? This one quite obviously could, AND, to look at da Vinci’s Mona Lisa I will have to travel to The Louvre, but this one, she lives with me! Of course like many other Ghajar era painters, the anonymous painter didn’t know how to implement perspective in his painting, so my Mona Lisa looks like she is playing her Dayereh inside out! But that’s O.K. She stays just the same! I can’t wait to put her up on the wall.
She seems Masterly at what she does!
Happy New Home !
Dear Nazy: I wish we could throw you a cyber house-warming party. Mona Lisa looks content.
Thanks Tameshk Jan! She is such an inspiration to me! Can you believe a female musician in those times? Pure joy to think about!
Serendip: Yes, I wished we could have a party! I even have a daf (or two) and a tamburine we could each pick up and make music together! Absent that, I make music of life and experiences with you guys! Not so bad when you think about it!
It is beautiful
Bah Bah Agha Mehran! Welcome back! Are you all tanned now from the Southern California sunshine?
Not really, gained weight from eating persian home made food
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