
Love Found

Ballet Afsaneh dancer performs at a wedding in San Francisco, April 2007. Photo by Jahanshah Javid.
She says with joy "Nazy Joon, I have met someone!" Across the continents and through the telephone line, my young friend tells me about the man who is showing her love for the first time. I ask all the prudent questions. She is ready to answer them. I ask her if she is sure of his feelings for her, too, and she says "Yes. I am!" I am so happy for my young friend. All the way in Europe, away from family and friends in Iran and in US, just when she wasn't looking at all, she has met a business colleague who is kind and considerate and loving, she says. My heart sings with the joy of love in my vicinity. Good for her. And he is a very lucky man, indeed. I remind her of what I had said to her just a year ago about love--that she will find it in the least likely place and when least expected. She says: "Nazy Joon, why do you think I called you to tell you my news tonight?" I smile.


مسعود said...

سلام نازی خانم
تولد دوستت را تبریک می گویم.حالا باید به توصیه سنایی عمل کند

طالب عشق و می و عیش و طرب باش و بجوی
چون بکف آمدترااین،روزوشب در کار باش
باسرودو رود و جام باده و جانان بساز
وزمیان جان،غلام و چاکر هرچار باش
از سر کوی حقیقت برمگرد و راه عشق
با غرامت همنشین و با ملامت یار باش

نفر بعدی کیه؟

Anonymous said...

سلام نازی جونم
این قضیه رو من میدونم فکر کنم
ها ها ها
نمی دونم شایدم حدسم غلط باشه
خوب ولی از خوندنش لذت بردم
مرسی که به اشتراک گذاشتیش
راستی من باز هم مسافرت بودم این مدت که خبری ازم نبود
دیگه دارم مارکوپلو میشم اینقدر که می رم مسافرت
خوش باشی عزیزم

Anonymous said...

Nazy jaan,How this picture is compatible with your post.Hope your friend is happy forever wherever she is.

Anonymous said...

How happy this post made me tonight, as I was sitting in front of the computer (missing Parham who is in Iran). I was happy for your friend, happy she remembered your advice and thought of you as the first person to share her news with, and I was also happy about love, in general.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is me. I just couldn't get it to post but when I tried under anonymous, it works!! :) Assal!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is me. I just couldn't get it to post but when I tried under anonymous, it works!! :) Assal!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is me. I just couldn't get it to post but when I tried under anonymous, it works!! :) Assal!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is me. I just couldn't get it to post but when I tried under anonymous, it works!! :) Assal!

Esfand` said...

so true ... about finding luck at the most un expected places and moments :)

Esfand` said...

oh ... I am sleepy :( some how I wrote luck at the place where I wanted to say "love" :) but I guess its being lucky enuff to find love :)