Away and Home

My Partial List of Good Things In Life
- I have friends. Good friends. Old friends. New friends. Old friends. Young friends. Artist friends. Ordinary friends. Thoughtful friends. Funny friends. Loving friends. Smart friends. Generous friends. Unmet friends. I have friends.
- I have a family. Sons. Sisters. Brothers. Cousins. Ex-in-laws. Nieces. Nephews. Brothers-in-law. Sisters-in-law. Relatives through marriages. Relatives despite divorces. Aunts and uncles and parents in heaven, but just as alive to me as can be. I have a family.
- I have a home. Small and cozy. Devoid of expensive things. Full of my kind of art. Brimming with my kind of music. Smelling of my food and my flowers. Full of my life's mementos and memorabilia. Home to my books. I have a home.
- I have a job. Trying and somewhat hard these days. Though a little unhappy of late, sufficient to tide me over to my next wonderful job. A decent livelihood. A means to be independent and proud. I pay my bills. I have a job.
- I am writing. My friend is helping me to write my story. I have writing exercises. I have a writing corner. I have a writer's motto. I have a direction. I am writing.
- I live near culture in one of the best universities in the world. I go to concerts. I go to lectures. I go to book readings. I go to performances. I can talk about politics. I can talk about arts. I can see paintings. I can see photographs. I can see sculptures. I can go to museums. I can read the news. I can read analysis on the news. I can go to a pizza parlor with people and listen to them discuss history and origins of words and arts. I can have lunch with artists and scientists. I can have a chat talking about the most ordinary things of life with a published author. I live near culture.
- I volunteer my time on many cultural and artistic subjects. I write. I translate. I type. I edit. I help. I volunteer.
- My sons are my window to a young life. They talk to me, show me things, teach me things. I live again through their triumphs and failures. They don't mind my watching too much. They humor me! They have turned into two very caring and responsible young men. Joys to have near me for as long as the honor lasts. I love my sons.
- I am going on a trip to visit my dear and old friends tomorrow.
- Chakameh and Saeedeh are pregnant and Maryam just had a baby girl.
- Nasim will be staying in Berkeley.
- Laleh is going to Iran to get married.
- I saw Leila.
- I may be having a party soon.
- I have good health.
- I love Iran.
- I love America.
- I love my life.
Share your list with us if you want.
Moving Forward
Banafsheh Sayyad performs her Sufi-inspired dance in Los Angeles in May 2008. Enjoy! (I wished the audience hadn't made so much noise during her performance, but that's just my opinion.)
It's Friday. My week has been a mixed bag of joys and reflections. I have been thinking positive thoughts which have prompted me to move forward, and I have been moving forward, prompting myself to think positive thoughts. I'm preparing to take a trip next week, so I have been running around trying to tie some loose ends so that when I am away, I don't have to worry about things back home--well, except what my kids will be doing to my house in my absence! When I wake up tomorrow, I will type a list I wrote in my head today. It is a list of all the little and big things which made my life good this past week. I will write them down and share them with you. Once I write it, it would be fun to see your lists, too, if you'd like to share. I'll do it tomorrow morning, as I'm really exhausted now and I won't do the task justice. Have a great weekend everyone and don't forget to use your mouth to say good things, kiss big kisses, and laugh out loud. Be good y'all.6/17/2008
The Phone Call
Improvising Life
Two Iranians improvise in dastgah-e Esfahan; Azadeh on guitar and Ricci Boroumandian on Setar. I'm so lucky to have found this clip which I now share with you. Enjoy!
My sons are talking to each other again. Until I started feeling relaxed tonight, I hadn't realized what a toll their rift had taken on me. I had missed their chatter and laughter. I am sitting in my bed, writing this post and hearing them move about and talk upstairs. It's lovely. The simple joys of life are upon me again. To all those who sent me good vibes today, especially the kind Robert of Germany, thank you. They have already started working! When things settle down a bit around me, I will have a good story to tell you. Have a good Tuesday you all.6/15/2008
For The Morrow Let Us Not Worry

Love In A Rice Field
Lessons Inside My Head
Stepping Into A Roomful of Love

The Impending Flight

A Tehran music school, Parnian, prepares for a concert in April 2008. Look at that full orchestra, complete with a choir, do their rehearsal in their two-room "school." I don't know these people and that music, though sweet, might not be exactly to my taste. But I thought I would tell you how impressed I am with the effort. I am so proud of those who continue to keep music alive in Iran in the face of adversities. Long live music!
My older son turned 22 today. He came home from celebrating with his friends a few minutes ago. I am sitting here watching him as he comes and goes and eats and watches TV and talks to his friends and family on the phone. More than ever before, these days I am very aware of his having turned into a man. As he prepares to take off for Santa Cruz this fall, I have to concentrate on helping his takeoff. He has left my nest a couple of times before, you know, each time coming back. I wasn't prepared for it when it happened before and it really hurt to have to deal with his absences. This time I want to help him do it myself. This time I want to be prepared. I dwindle between the anguish and the excitement of his independence and his journey into his future. I pray for his health and a safe journey through life. I wish him a life full of pleasant surprises and lasting lessons. I wish him a heart full of love for himself, his communities, his family, and human race. I wish him a good flight and a meaningful journey into life. I am full of words which cannot so easily come to my mouth, but which quietly appear on my post tonight. I think I will give him this to read.