

Sweet Robert sent me this picture today. He is an inspirational blogger in Germany. I am so fortunate our paths have crossed. Thank you Robert for always visiting me and for sounding so kind and supportive.
I end a weekend full of solitary activity and self search. I attended long-neglected chores around my house and exhausted and spent, I feel peaceful and ready for tomorrow. Your kind and positive vibes have reached me, whether you left me a comment, sent me a note, or sent them the way of the universe. I am in receipt of good feelings and positive thoughts. Thank you.
I hope the new week is full of good news and happy events for you all. This will be a short week for us, as beginning on Thursday, we will have a four-day holiday weekend for Thanksgiving. There is so much to be thankful for in my life. My nieces and nephews and son will be coming home beginning Tuesday night, and we will have a large family gathering at my sister's house on Thanksgiving Day. A lot of good things to await. Peace be with all of you.


Anonymous said...

vay khoda che axi...khaili zeebast va kar jalebeeye


Anonymous said...

wonderful photo !