
Shifting Clouds

My friend Mehdi who lives in Berkeley sent me this Nowrooz card. How cool is that? And how lucky can a person get?!
And so, I can already feel the effect of a new beginning with the new year, I am not kidding you! It's as though the clouds are shifting and clearing up around me, some rapidly and some more slowly. It might be because of some interactions I had this week. I talked to some older people this week, those who always help me keep my perspective on life. I have talked about them before, my 70-80+ year-old friends. They really are my friends, I'm not exaggerating! One of them loves the ballet and symphony and politics, and our discussions are exquisite, even if just on the phone all these thousands of miles away, because he is such an extraordinary man. One of them is a beautiful woman who raised her children by herself and is so wise and loving, never bitter, and always applaudes me and my decision to relocate to US to be near my children, validating some really tough decisions I had to make a couple of years ago. One of them is my former mother-in-law, who reminded me of the mementoes and memories of our long-standing friendship this week. They each gave me joy and love in their own ways. There is someone in that group with whom I have a real bond. She is suffering from Alzheimer's Disease and struggles with remembering many people and things. Isn't it just amazing, though, that when they tell her I'm on the phone, she smiles and takes the phone? How could I ever take those friendships for granted?
And then there are my young friends some of whom I saw today. They are an amazing bunch in their own ways, too. They give me joy and hope and keep me grounded in here and now, forcing me to focus on all the life happening around me. One of my friends spent a good bit of time updating my profile on an unnamed friendship site today, because that's what is "in" these days and he knows I'm just too lazy to do it myself, never mind the fact that I am probably the oldest person on that site! One of them sent me this card today, and another called me long distance "just to say hi." Life is good and it becomes even better in the circle of friends new and old and old and young. My clouds are shifting because I have true friends and even when I fall, even when my clouds pour rain on me, there are always loving hands which reach out for me and pull me up and put me back on my way again. I know you keep hearing me say this, but I am a very lucky woman, indeed.
P.S. I should take this opportunity to thank those of you who have kindly sent me Nowrooz greetings through email. I will reply to them separately to the best of my limited ability, as there are so many of them. My readers are the other group of my friends who created so much joy for me in the past year. Blogging continues to be one of the most rewarding parts of my life, thanks to all the wonderful people who have found me and who have let me find them. Thank you for the umbrella and the sunshine, you all.


مسعود said...

سلام نازی خانم
دوست آنست که گیرد دست دوست
در پریشان حالی و درماندگی
نمیدانم درست و تمام نوشتم اینرا یا نه؟
میدانی ،تو حقیقتا آدم خوشبختی هستی.چون دوستان زیاد و همه جوره داری،البته تو خودت شمع جمعی و این اصالت در تو وجود دارد.
یکی از ویژگیهای نوشتنت هم اینست که وقتی - معمولا آخرای مطلب-ذهنت خارج از توصیفات ،فوران می کند کلماتت مثل آب روان می شود.امروز چه زیبا دوستانت را به نور آفتاب و چتر تشبیه می کنی.یعنی ابر را هم دوست داری
خوشبختی یعنی همین

Anonymous said...

سلام نازی جونم
من این چند روز مسافرت بودم و البته باز هم فردا دارم می رم
راستی چه کارت قشنگی :)
خوب خوش باشی

Anonymous said...

نازی عزیزم
ببخشید ترو خدا برای زحماتی که بهت دادم می دم
من برات یه ایملی خیلی مهم زدم در جواب ایمیلت به من
اگه ممکنه چکش کن لطفا

Anonymous said...

Nazy janam
you are one the best thing happend to us or at least me last past year. it has been a year believe it or not. do you remmber what did I tell you on the phone the night before the confrence??? I did mean it my dear friend

Anonymous said...

Nazy jan,
Happy new year to you..I wish you all the best in the world.
I was talking to the other Fariba about you the other night( do you remember her? the on who was always laughing :)..so many good memories we have.

Daisy said...

Salam Nazy jon, It isn't surprising to me at all that a great person like you have so many caring friends. I hope your life be always full of wonderful surprising and exciting moments because you deserve them all.

Unknown said...

نازی عزیز. به پهنای صورتم لبخند اومد از خوندن این نوشته ات که پر از انرژی بود. چقدر خوب و روان نوشتی و چقدر دلنشین.
نمیدونم برات ایمیل دادم یا نه اما خواستم اینجا بهت سال نو رو تبریک بگم و برات بهترین ها رو از صمیم قلب آرزو کنم.
جدن یکی از رویاهام شده که تو و بقیه دوستان ساکن اون طرف دنیا رو روزی ببینم.
به امید اون روز

Nazy said...

مسعود عزیزم:

با عرض پوزش از اینکه انقدر دیر پاسخ پیام مهربان تو را میدهم، از اینکه مرتب به من سر میزنی بسیار ممنون و متشکرم. دوستان من از بهترین دارایی های من در جهان هستند. آنها که در جشن و بزم و شادی شرکت می کنند ممکن است از دوستان ما باشند. اما آنها که در سخت ترین روزهای زندگی همراه و همگام ما هستند قطعا دوستان ما هستند. بالاخره با این عمر طولانی که بنده دارم، فرصتش پیش آمده که نیازمند دیدن دوستانم در گورستان و بیمارستان و در اعماق حزن و در درماندگی هم باشم. آنها که آمدند و تلفن زدند و سر زدند و حرف زدند و گوش کردند و راهنمایی کردند، آنها دوستانی هستند "بهتر از برگ درخت."

مرسی از کلمات پرمهر و پر معنایت مسعود جان. بله، ابر را هم دوست دارم! تا ابر را ندیده باشی، کجا قدر آفتاب دانی؟ شاد و سربلند و سرسبز باش مسعود عزیز.

Nazy said...

Salam Uni-Far Jan:

Isn't it just the most wonderful card? And a gorgeous handwriting, too!

I wish you a safe trip and a wonderfl holiday season.

Nazy said...

Wonderful Mehran:

Heeh, how could I forget that phone call on the night before the conference?! And I won't let you forget it, either! Ever!

You are so sweet, Merhan. Your friendship is also one of THE most important events and achievements of my life in the past year. Thank you for being my kind, generous, and thoughtful friend, Ala Hazrat Jan.

Nazy said...

Salam Fariba Joonam:

Of course I remember the other Fariba! I'm so glad you are coming to visit and that you are leaving me comments. I hope you and Amir and the kids had a special Nowrooz celebration together. I hope your new year is filled with joy, Fariba Jan. Be good azizam.

Nazy said...

Sweet Daisy:

How kind you are to me! Well, you must do the math! I have been around a looooong time, having had ample opportunities to make friends in at least three continents (and growing), and in all walks of life.

I am blessed with my friendships. Be happy sweet and beautiful Daisy.

Nazy said...

My Dear Bita:

I am always honored and pleasantly surprised when you come to visit me! Hee Hee!

Thank you for your kind words. I really hope to be able to meet you one day, too! Is coming to these parts just a wish or are you guys working on it? I hope you come here, too! Can't you come even for a visit? Makes me smile thinking that you might!

Have a good day in Japan, Bita Jan, and please come back again soon.