
My Partial List of Good Things In Life

  1. I have friends. Good friends. Old friends. New friends. Old friends. Young friends. Artist friends. Ordinary friends. Thoughtful friends. Funny friends. Loving friends. Smart friends. Generous friends. Unmet friends. I have friends.
  2. I have a family. Sons. Sisters. Brothers. Cousins. Ex-in-laws. Nieces. Nephews. Brothers-in-law. Sisters-in-law. Relatives through marriages. Relatives despite divorces. Aunts and uncles and parents in heaven, but just as alive to me as can be. I have a family.
  3. I have a home. Small and cozy. Devoid of expensive things. Full of my kind of art. Brimming with my kind of music. Smelling of my food and my flowers. Full of my life's mementos and memorabilia. Home to my books. I have a home.
  4. I have a job. Trying and somewhat hard these days. Though a little unhappy of late, sufficient to tide me over to my next wonderful job. A decent livelihood. A means to be independent and proud. I pay my bills. I have a job.
  5. I am writing. My friend is helping me to write my story. I have writing exercises. I have a writing corner. I have a writer's motto. I have a direction. I am writing.
  6. I live near culture in one of the best universities in the world. I go to concerts. I go to lectures. I go to book readings. I go to performances. I can talk about politics. I can talk about arts. I can see paintings. I can see photographs. I can see sculptures. I can go to museums. I can read the news. I can read analysis on the news. I can go to a pizza parlor with people and listen to them discuss history and origins of words and arts. I can have lunch with artists and scientists. I can have a chat talking about the most ordinary things of life with a published author. I live near culture.
  7. I volunteer my time on many cultural and artistic subjects. I write. I translate. I type. I edit. I help. I volunteer.
  8. My sons are my window to a young life. They talk to me, show me things, teach me things. I live again through their triumphs and failures. They don't mind my watching too much. They humor me! They have turned into two very caring and responsible young men. Joys to have near me for as long as the honor lasts. I love my sons.
  9. I am going on a trip to visit my dear and old friends tomorrow.
  10. Chakameh and Saeedeh are pregnant and Maryam just had a baby girl.
  11. Nasim will be staying in Berkeley.
  12. Laleh is going to Iran to get married.
  13. I saw Leila.
  14. I may be having a party soon.
  15. I have good health.
  16. I love Iran.
  17. I love America.
  18. I love my life.

Share your list with us if you want.


Anonymous said...

Lucky you Nazy jan; and lucky all those good people who enjoy little or big good things...
It is very good that you can consider-at least- some of the good things you have as the reasones of your happiness. I believe it is the biggest gift in your life!

All the best.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed it Nazy jounam.Thank you!


Daisy said...

Salam Nazy jon,
I thought I was sharing my experience from only last week. So my list isn't as general as yours. So here it goes:

I am grateful that:
1) I talked to my brother on the phone after one week not knowing what he was up to. Now I know he is safe and he didn't contact earlier because of his workload.
2) My mom came back safely.
3) To know that my dad is doing all right.
4) I talked to Gity after 2 months.
5) I learn a lot in this job.
6) I get along with my coworkers and my new manager seems to be very good (looking forward to working with him).
7) My roommates are awesome (they are the reason, I enjoy my summer and they make living in Ottawa easier. I've developed a very good friendship with them)
8) I am healthy
9) I have continued jogging regularly.
7) I have been faithful to my blog and still writing it.
8) I didn't regret the way I reacted to someone’s email. Although I might have been wrong but I'll learn from it
9) I won a bingo prize, a cheap water bottle :)
have a good week my friend

Daisy said...

Oh my God, I can’t even count..

Chakameh Azimpour said...

Hello Nazy Joon. How wonderful you wrote. These things, these little pieces of happiness, and better said "Khoshbakhti" didn't come to you easy. It is wonderful to see you know their values. Wish you be happy and full of love every day of your life.

jeerjeerak said...

This morning, someone sent me your No.8 as a quote. He added, that's why i like to have kids...:)

Your word, Nazy joonam, is inspiration to many, including myself. You can add this to the list too.

Esfand` said...

:D awesome ! ... makes me feel happy too :D ... hehe, n I know the list is sooo long but u did manage to give us a glimpse.

There are so many things you do that I want to do :D
...Im trying hard, n I will catch up with you some day :D I did make a list of things some time back titled 'things I want to do before the end' :D but its lost now :( some where in the data flood that I had, washing away my hard disks...
but this means I get to make a new list :D

Enjoy your trip ahead!

مسعود said...

سلام نازی خانم
اینها همه رزق توست که خداوند مقدر کرده است:دوست خوب ، فرزند صالح ، استعداد و همه نعمتهای برون از شمار
خداوند برکت در روزیت دهاد.

Unknown said...

Nazy joon,

such a rich and beautiful life! I hope it gets richer and richer :)

chetori Nazy joon? I've missed you alot. BTW, I started my post-doc in UCB last week :) now I have a job and we should grab a lunch together and celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Nazy joonam ...
خیلی از خوندنشون لذت بردم ، خیلی زیاد ...
فقط نمی تونم خواستت رو اجابت کنم !
یعنی فعلا !
فکر کنم هفته ی بعدی بنویسمش برات به چند دلیل !
1- این هفته سرم خیلی شلوغه و خدا رو شکر که هفته داره تموم میشه !
2- نوشتن اینجور چیزها خیلی خطرناکه اگه خیلی ها بخونن (!) به همین دلیل من اگه هفته ی بعدی بنویسمش دیگه کسی بر نمیگرده و گزیرش های پست هفته ی قبل رو بخونه !!!
خوب ولی جدا اینگونه نگاه کردن به زندگی و شمردن نعمتهای اطرافمون واقعا زیباست
راستی یک روز فکر می کنم تو بی بی سی بود یک خانم روانشناسی اومده بود و چیزی شبیه این رو می گفت می گفت یه چیزی داشته باشید که مرتب می بینیدش و هر وقت دیدیدش یاد نعمتها و خوبی های اطرافتون بیفتید و کلی هم ادعا می کرد که این روش محشره و خیلی هم خوب جواب میده !!
خوب ایام بکام
شاد باشی همیشه

Anonymous said...

My list:

1) I am healthy
2) I still have most of my life ahead of me
3) My dreams still have time to come true..

..At least that's what I try to tell myself even when I don't really believe it.

Anonymous said...

I love lists and I particularly love your well-written one! I also share number 8 except I have only one son.

I also enjoyed your photos of the exhibition in London.

Mehrdad from London