I call this one, "Women Talking on a Summer's Afternoon." The painting is by Narges Hashemi, and I took it from here.
I am working through some hard times. I have had to make some major adjustments to my way of thinking about my life's priorities. Some of what I'm tackling is freeing me of things which have bothered me for a while, weighing me down, making movement difficult for me. Some of it is making me sad. They are necessary steps I have known for a long time I must take, so I take them with as much courage as I can muster. Heeh! I must sound so mysterious to you, all of a sudden! I'm struggling here, so please bear with me. I will write about them when I feel better.
I cleaned my house today and spent time with my younger son who was acting so grown-up and mature, supportive and kind beyond words. Tomorrow I will continue with my various cleanup projects around the house, finding the small accomplishments therapeutic and rewarding. I have an important day ahead on Monday. I will appreciate any and all good vibes you can send my way. Believe it or not, I do believe in the power of good vibes; I send them often myself and feel them when I receive them. I'm hoping that the changes I have put into motion will generate enough energy to pick me up from a rough patch of life and tide me over to better times.
I wish all of you a happy weekend with your loved ones, filled with joy and peace. Be good y'all.
Hey Nazy jaan,
here is some cheer for you. Some happy vibes that are bound to lift you up a little :) Have a wonderful Sunday and a good week ahead of you. I have often found that bad times can pass really quickly with a smile. Hope this makes you smile: http://weheartit.com/images/20080513203459.jpg
PS: loved the little dancers, too!
Nazie azizam
ye moghehayi adam enghadr tu pichokhame gereftarihash gom mishe ke yadesh mire az biroon be khodesh negah kone, beyaad byare ke ta hala barha va barha tu zendegish azin joor pasti bolandiha dashte va alan hatta beheshun fekr nemikone, inam migzare , ino baraye khodet yadavari kon ke dar moghabele moshkelat ya mishe karayi kard ya na, ta jayi ke mishe bayad say kard va baraye baghyash arezooye khoob kard ya doa kard, Thats It!
moragheb bash tu picho khame gereftariha ke alan benazaret bozorg mian, tanha rahe gom nashodan manteghi fekr kardane...midoonam inaro kheili behtar az man midooni vali yadavarish bad nist;)
Omidvaram hamishe shado salamat bashi
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