This is a painting by a female Iranian architect, named Mina Vijeh. I don’t know her. I saw her paintings on yesterday. She says the following unassuming and profound things about herself and her work, after she had to have surgery and stopped working and started painting again: “I wanted sweeps of color and emotion as a release from the worldly gloom that dominated my consciousness. I wanted to see the beauty encompassing us.” Check out her
work. I think she has succeeded in doing exactly what she wanted.
More relatives leave today, leaving just one who will also leave soon. Sigh.
Today is Bayramali’s birthday. He is a
blogger who has a keen eye on music, films, and arts. He writes with humor and nostalgia, so reading him always changes my emotional state in a positive way. I am lucky to have met this interesting man over the past year. He is a warm and wonderful person, full hope and optimism. I wish Bayramali a very happy birthday and a wonderful new year in his life. (For those of you who wonder, no, this isn’t his real name.)
I am excited to report that Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam, about whom I had
written in June, will be coming to North America to perform in August and September. He will have performances in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, and Vancouver. I will write the details soon. Until I do, take a look at
this. It is an 8 minute clip, so if you don’t have time, watch the second 4 minutes, and if you still have less time, don’t miss the last 2 minutes.
I continue to feel teary-eyed and reflective this week, but I am deeply happy for all the blessings I have. I go around full of smiles and love for those I see around me, yet my tears shine in my eyes and occasionally fall. I must look like a lunatic to those who don’t know me. Have a brilliant Saturday everybody, and as Mina Vijeh said, try and “see the beauty encompassing us.”
Perhaps it's now the time of inaction ...
به آن می گوییم ناکُنایی.
من از 12 بیشتر خوشم آمد
Nazy Jan, thanks for such great evening
Dear nazy
I cann't find a appropriate words to express my feeling.
It is a great to know such a kind, comprehended and heartfelt like you , I am luky guy that have firends like you and mehran,
I appreicate for everything.
thanks again,
Salam Bar Alef Shin: Inaction...that word in English or Farsi has such a good effect on me right now! I would like to take a rest! But, alas I can't for a while. I will definitely slow down now that my family reunion is over and I can actually sleep more at night!
It's interesting, because as I was going through the Vijeh paintings, I did stop on Number 12 and admired it, thinking how sweet the splashes of color on the sides, almost too shy, but full of promise, were! I decided on the one I chose, because it was more colorful and more openly happy. Thanks for coming, taking the time to look at my finds, and leaving a comment Alef Shin.
Salam Mehran Jan:
You are so welcome. I didn't do anything! Bayram's parents had him, Abbas Kiarostami made "Khaneye Doost Kojast," and the chef at Downtown Cafe made the food! All of us converged on a spot on the planet at the same time and Voila, we had a celebration! Be good.
Salam Bar Aghaye Bayramali:
You are so welcome my friend. I had a very good time using the excuse of your birthday! We did have a good time, Bayram, but don't you agree that the people in the other room were having too much fun celebrating another birthday? Next year, we will celebrate your birthday like that! Take care my friend.
البته منظورم از ناکنایی فقط استراحت نبود نازی عزیز! من به آن اشک ها و دلتنگی های شما بیشتر توجه داشتم. این واژه معنی خاص دارد. اگر حوصله داشتید روی واژه به فارسی یا انگلیسی جستجوی ساده ای انجام دهید. امیدوارم منظورم را بگیرید
Alef Shin Jan: As you know, I struggle with Farsi, while I try to keep up a brave appearance! So, I don't know and I don't know how to find out, what "Na-konaee" means, I am embarrassed to report! That's why it's wonderful to learn from you and to enrich my my proper Farsi vocabulary.
On the English front, however, there are two similar, yet different meanings for the word "inaction." One is the state of being inactive, and the other is the state of no activity.
Either way, the way I understand the word inaction, there is "idleness" in it, but with continued "awareness." In other words, it is not a state of "holiday" from thinking, but merely a stoppage of activities.
If I'm completely off the mark here, let me know and we will try using more elaborate reference material for figuring it out. My old beat-up Webster and online dictionaries weren't terribly helpful. Thanks for the brain exercise Alef Shin.
Wonderful colors. No dancers?;)
Heeheehee Serendip! I'm trying to be less predictable my friend! Actually, I am working on a FANTASTIC dance story, but it's not ready yet! I mentioned Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam briefly in this post, but I want to do a post on him when his performance draws closer. Did you see that clip? You know dance is a topic I can't leave alone, but I have been so swamped in neglected chores and responsibilities. Spent the Sunday running around, but accomplishing little past the house affairs. I hope you have had a good weekend my friend.
Inaction has a general as well as a special meaning. In its special meaning, The meaning that David Bohm (an eminent physicist and philosopher) explores, inaction is a kind of "seeing" when your body is at rest, but your spirit is spreading out and observing.
You are a very active woman dear friend! You need to be at leisure to experience inaction. This allows you to empty your cup!
ناکنایی اجازه می دهد پیمانه ی بود خود را خالی کنیم! یادتان هست قبلا هم گفتم که پیمانه باید خالی باشد تا بتوان چیزی در آن ریخت. من می خواهم توجه شما را به این واژه جلب کنم. به آن نگاه کنید!م
Alef Shin Jan: I heard you and your timely advice. You are right. I will heed the call, and report on my progress. I kept thinking that if only I could get some things off my plate (cup) by trying to finish unfinished business, that I would be able to relax. It seems that I must stop trying now and take the time to see first before I can do more. Thanks for the advice. Have a good day.
This dance clip was AMAZING. It literally took my breath away. Thanks alot for sharing it.
Salam Jeerjeerak Jan. Yes, he is amazing. Take a look at my post today. There are other clips there, too. Be good azizam.
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