Those of you who are regular visitors to my weblog know that I have a good friend named
Bayramali. He is a blogger who specializes in arts, nostalgia, and humor. He is an extremely funny young man who brims with intelligence, knowledge, and joy of life. We met last year and our friendship has been a constant source of joy for me. Along with several other young bloggers who live in this area, Bayram is my friend and my family now. Leva kiddingly says that she is always surprised to read my comments in Bayramali's weblog, because in his comments section, she believes, I turn into an entirely different person, funny and witty! Ha Ha, that statement cracks me up every time! The reason is, I believe, that Bayramali affects me that way, and if I am funny and witty in his space, it's a direct result of that which he gives to all who go and visit him.
Deutsche Welle has recently interviewed Bayramali, and you can read that piece
here. The interviewer is obviously smitten with Bayram's brand of humor, especially when he does his music reviews which could be endlessly funny. She has featured one of his "music interpretations," in which he reviews Kamran and Hooman's song,
Oon ba man. You can read that post
here, and listen to him deliver the review in his own words
here. No written document, no blog entry, and no interview, however, can show the true and deep essence of the man that Bayram is. He is unique and special and positive and loving to all, and you would have to know him to know what I am saying.
عاشق عاشق کامنت هات شدم اول و بعد اومدم این جا عزیزم
دوستانت هم مثل خودت خوبن
واحب شد ایشان رو بشناسم
"No written document, no blog entry, and no interview, however, can show the true and deep essence of the man that Bayram is."
سلام نازی خانم
من دسترسی به وبلاگ ایشان ندارم
ولی مطمئنم همانطوریست که میگویی.موفق باشند
:با اجازه نازي براي مسعود
:آدرس بايرامعلي
Salam Bar Marzieh-ye Ziba:
Oh no, I forgot that you also go to some of those blogs I regularly visit and you have read my silly comments there! How embarassing! Just kidding! The best part of going to visit other people's blogs is that we "read" the blogger's mood and we respond to it in our comments. Bayramali's posts are almost all full of joy and laughter. A couple of times he wrote sad posts and we had to object! Yes, do go and visit him. You will laugh a lot! Take care azizam.
Ned Jan:
I take it you agree with me!? He is wonderful. Mehran, Bayram, Leva, Vahid and I have had really fun times together. They are my priceless friends. They also introduced me to blogging and other bloggers in our area and all over the world, and for that I can't thank them enough. Be good azizam.
Masoud Jan:
Thank you for coming. I do hope that you can access his blogs with Neda's help now. Enjoy!
Nazy jan , Nazy jan,..
I feel embarrassed , you gave me more credit than what I have . what can I say? appreciation will not be enough,.... any way it is my honor to know such kind and nice lady, thank you for everything, and I appreciate your friends especially the lady of winter festival , thanks all
Your sincerely forever :)
سلام بر نازی بانو
این آدرس را بلد بودم ولی فیلتر شده است
راهی بزن که آهی بر ساز آن توان زد
Salam Bayram Jan:
EVERYONE appreciates Banooye Jashnvareh Zemestani, the resourceful and intlligent Neda! The pleasure of introducing your fabulous and refreshing weblog to all is entirely mine! You rock, Mr. Bayramali!
Masoud Jan:
I don't know how to help get through a filter! My understanding is that only some ISP's have blocked Bayramali's blogs and others can get in easily. If you can try using a different ISP's internet card, the problem might be alleviated. Sorry for being useless in this area! Have a good day my friend.
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