For all my friends, realist or optimist.
Promise of Life

My New Piece on
In 2001, while on a business trip, I was invited to the home of a family in Mashad as their new family member. They were a devout Moslem family, who lived in an old traditional house in the older part of Mashad, near Imam Reza’s shrine.
This is the beginning of my new piece on, entitled Mashad's Collage of Life. If you can't get to, please let me know and I will send the piece to you.
Through The Fog, Hills, and Tunnels

To Do List

I was overwhelmed with my responsibilities today. When after spending a few hours in the kitchen and around the house I sat down to see how much of my " To Do List" I had accomplished (Exhibit A), I was really disappointed at myself! I had promised to read things I didn’t read, and my writing just sits there beckoning me. Right now, all I want to do is to sit here, and do nothing! I also can’t shut off my mind. As I was doing my chores, I was listening to the radio on my computer. One station was really hard to take, as in the middle of news about wars and atrocities and devastations all over the world, they kept playing this fast-beat dance music. One was so boring, as they had these long silences filled with classical music, which wasn’t conducive to doing chores. The last station I listened to was broadcasting a report about Amir Kabir University students in prison, and how their families suspect that they are being mistreated and extensively tortured to confess, to what, I’m not sure. As I stood at the kitchen counter, motionless while holding a rag, thinking about this, I thought how spoilt and shallow it is to complain about radio programming and other things when at this very moment in this world, there are families worried crazy about their extraordinarily gifted children, who worked so hard to get into a top university, only to be handled like criminals and spies, denied basic human rights and access to legal advice and their families. Some days are just hard days to be a human being for the shame you feel about events that are taking place in your lifetime and you can’t do anything to stop or change them.
Beauty and Birthday

Is The Grass Greener On The Other Side?

Life's Celebrations

Since I showed up to a job interview in Berkeley’s top administrative office in 1987, I have had a friend who is one of the most interesting and remarkable people I have ever known. Nancy is a a very sharp and experienced analyst, with the uncanny ability to step back (at least 10 steps) to look at the same situation we are all experiencing, seeing new things and making suggestions nobody else could see! She is open-minded and generous, and a perfect friend to have. She has been a teacher and a mentor to me for the duration of our friendship in matters professional and personal. Nancy’s son, Jason, who is an accomplished architect in San Francisco, was featured in San Francisco Chronicle yesterday. As one of my readers reminded me this morning, I am obviously getting older, but how come I remember Jason in high school and the next thing I know he is a dedicated professional, showing up in the paper and getting married this October? On the upside (!), I am delighted to observe yet again, that life does go on, and only if we pay attention, each day will bring us hundreds of reasons to be happy and celebrative; especially when we love others enough to see their accomplishments, their celebrations, and their victories as our very own.
American Life,
Bay Area Living,
Good Days,
San Francisco
Scattered Thoughts on My 200th Post
- By tomorrow morning, my family will start leaving. No more about that subject.
- Projects at work are taking a good shape and it feels good to get some long-standing commitments off my desk. I will also be learning some new project management software, and I’m excited about that.
- My Persian Poetry class starts in Berkeley tonight, but I will miss the first class. I am so excited about starting next week. I will tell you about it in more detail soon.
- Does anyone know whether Akbar Ganji will have any lectures in Berkeley soon?
- I have finally finished my sad short story. I cried and worked on it, and it is finally finished. You will see it soon (I leave you no choice, do I?).
- I am such a fortunate woman! I have interviewed someone really fabulous, and this weekend I will start transcribing my notes and writing that piece. I hope I can do the extraordinary story of this man’s life justice in putting it into writing. You can help me by telling me whether you think I should put it into a “story format” which is my preferred style of writing, or this time I should keep it in the “interview format,” which is more formal and therefore more serious. Your opinion is so important to me.
- I will resume going to the Kiarostami movies this weekend, after everyone has left and my weekends go back to their boring shape! Of course this weekend we are celebrating a very special blogger’s birthday, and we will probably have a little more fun that usual.
- I am feeding my family our “goodbye dinner” tonight. We will have hamburgers and barbequed vegetables, as everyone is a little tired of all the serious food they have eaten over the past two weeks! I must run now to go prepare that dinner.
Her Son

My New Piece in
One is an artist by profession and heart. He sees, lives, and talks music. When he plays, you can stare, but instead, you want to close your eyes and quickly write memories of that music in your heart. When he sits and talks about life, all the corners of his talk are adorned with artistic simplicity. This is when you want to stare at him, but you know you shouldn’t. So you move on… ………….. This is an excerpt of a piece I wrote, entitled A Family Reunion in Diaspora, which was published in this morning. You can read it here. If you are in Iran and can’t access, please let me know and I will send it to you.
Name That Tune
The boys get in the car very early this morning and decide to play a game with me (again!). The younger one pulls out a CD, puts it in the CD player, and says: “Mom, let’s see if you know what song this is.” I am dreading being quizzed first thing in the morning, having woken up from only three hours of sleep, feeling really grouchy. I don’t say anything to encourage this game, but I guess I have no choice. The song starts and with the first couple of notes of the song, I say “It’s Billy Joel’s Piano Man.” The two of them are so surprised. Their surprise at my recognizing the song is nothing compared to their shock when I start to sing along at the top of my lungs every single word of the song; a song I knew when I “wore a younger woman’s clothes!”* The song ends and the three of us keep quiet for the rest of the drive. It’s been a complete week of trips down memory lane, and this day seems to be no exception! Suddenly I am not grouchy anymore. *Listen to the song here. Read the beautiful lyrics here. It is Billy Joel’s best song ever, in my opinion. “He says, son, can you play me a memory?/ I’m not really sure how it goes/ But it’s sad and it’s sweet and I knew it complete;/ When I wore a younger man’s clothes.”
A Wedding Invitation

با تاییدات خداوند متعال
به میمنت و شادمانی
جشن عقد کنان
دوشیزه آذر و آقای ه
زیباترین شب زندگی خود را جشن میگیرندتا آنرا به بیادماندنی ترین
سپیده عمر متصل نمایندومنتظر حضور شما سروران و عزیزان در این
ضیافت شادی و موعد شیرین وصال هستندتا حلاوت آن را با شماتقسیم
از کلیه دوستان عزیز بلاگی ٬ مجازی٬ خوانندگان و کلیه اهالی محترم وبلاگستان
دعوت به عمل میایید تا در این رخداد خجسته شرکت کرده و با هوا کردن پست
جدید٬ کامنت٬ نامه برقی و... شادی و شیرینی این مراسم را دوصدچندان فرمایند.
تاریخ : بيست و نهم تیرماه ۱۳۸۶
آدرس : وبلاگستان - وبلاگ آذرستان
دوستان و خانواده های : آذرستان -راننده ترن -اعلی حضرت حاج آقا -بایرامعلی -از برکلی -خانم حنا -سرزمین رویایی -یغورت - حاجی واشنگتن - مدیریت شرکت خدماتی هاذر(مسئولیت نامحدود)- سندیکای لوکوموتیو رانان - نیروی انتظامی تهران بزرگ - شهرداری تهران- خانواده محترم رجبی-سندیکا وبلاگ نویسهای تهران - اتحادیه وبلاگنویسان کالیفرنیا و حومه - انجمن بلاگرهای مقیم ژاپن- وبلاگ نویسهای مقیم اسپانیا - بلاگ نویسهای مقیم دی سی
و همچنین اهالی و ساکنان وبلاگستان فارسی و سایر دوستان
از نورچشمی های عزیز بعدا پذیرایی خواهد شد!!!
چاپ صلاحی - میدان بهارستان
Windmills of Your Mind

A New Memory Made In Downtown Berkeley
So, O.K. My kids “borrowed” my car to go to work after they dropped me off in Berkeley this morning. Five minutes later I got a call from my younger son, telling me that they had been in an accident. I ran over, took one look at the two of them standing there, then at the middle-aged man standing next to them, and took a sigh of relief. I then looked at the guy’s car, and last I looked at my poor poor Shabdiz. We have not been a very good family for poor Shabdiz, have we?! It will have to go into the shop again for weeks, it seems. As I watched the two of them on the sidewalk waiting for me, talking to the other guy, I was so happy to see them healthy and in once piece. Of course I kept that serious face on, looking kind of mean, as I casually glanced at the two of them standing on the sidewalk, looking sheepish and embarrassed. I think I’m completely crazy, because watching this dramatic scene, all of a sudden I was laughing inside at how equally “responsible” and “guilty” my younger son looked, even though he was only in the passenger seat! I tell you, those two are thick as thieves! All the while, though, I was thanking God for continuing to be kind to me. Now I’m going to have to frown all weekend.
I was gone a few days and it felt longer. I was only a couple of hundred miles away and it felt farther. I was in the throes of love for those I can't have near, where all I could do was to taste, watch, touch, see, and feel the moments and spaces. Moments and spaces of the fleeting and fragile togetherness which feels so natural to do and yet so forbidding in complexity. Part of me wants to be grateful for the opportunity which has only presented itself three times since 1974 for all of us to be together in the same place at the same time; and part of me wants to scream at the unfairness of it all when we will soon separate again. I look for solace in Sohrab Sepehri's poem, trying to enjoy here and now, while it lasts. Life is to repeatedly get wet,
Life is to swim in the pool of "now."
Dance Rehearsal

Debbie, Jon, Elvis, and Las Vegas

Gift of Sight

As we drove up a freeway in Tehran, there was a bend in the road. When we finished the bend, all of a sudden we could see the majestic mountains to the north of Tehran, beautiful, tall, and breathtaking. Since my older son was seven and my younger son was four, we lived in Tehran, taking that freeway, making that bend, and seeing those mountains everyday. And almost everyday I would say: “Look you guys, look at those beautiful mountains, and look at those clouds above the mountains! Aren’t they beautiful?” As he grew older and went into the more challenging years of his life, my older son stopped answering me, or he would say something sarcastic, like: “Mom, how many times do you need to show us those same mountains? We have seen them before. They haven’t changed since the last time you pointed them out to us!” But I persevered. I said it again. When he was sixteen, one spring morning after rain had stopped and the sky had cleared, we were driving up a different freeway, facing the same mountains from a different angle, when he exclaimed: “Mom, look at those beautiful mountains! Isn’t it just the most breathtaking thing you have ever seen?” That was the day I knew he could “see.” He now sees the mountains, the trees, the clouds, the grass, and everything that needs to be seen, including beautiful babies and children which he once viewed with a complete lack of interest and disdain. My younger son, The Traveler, who has obviously been subjected to the same torture growing up as my son, has started “seeing” things for the past year. Here’s a photograph he took one day last March when he was home by himself. I found it in the camera, among some other “experimental” pictures he had taken, and it is now one of my most valuable things in life—proof that this one, too, can now “see.”
Scattered Thoughts of a Scattered Mind...
.....I have been working on complicated projects at work--things that have to do with numbers and budgets and planning. I am starting to deliver my projects one by one this week, relieving myself of the stress, but by the time I finally go home every night, my brain is fried and I sit there in a more or less vegetative state (more so than usual!) .....I am writing something about the university students who were arrested in Tehran. It is hard for me and it has made me break into sobs several times, abandoning writing it temporarily. Those beautiful young people should not be in prison. What kind of government intimidates, beats, arrests, imprisons and tortures their brightest, most passionate citizens? I am heartsick. .....The Comcast guy came and my modem is finally fixed. I had to take another whole morning off for this, as last week's was a no-show, but at least I seem to have reliable internet service again. The technician was a kid, I swear, no more than 17! Good for him, as the last two Comcast technicians I had seen were complete inepts. I will call his supervisor to say something nice about him. .....My son has officially started "borrowing" my car to go places. God help us all. .....I am going to another Kiarostami movie tonight. Last Saturday's film, Bad Ma Ra Ba Khod Khahad Bord (The Wind Will Take Us Away), was interesting. I was late and managed to get the very last seat way in the front, where my neck hurt for the duration, but it was worth it. I love the simplicity in his movies. I love the children who play in his movies. It was touching. I laughed a bit, too. I'll go to as many as I can. .....I might take a few days off work next week to visit with my brothers and sisters who are coming for a family reunion. We will try to go somewhere together. This is no small feat, I assure you, as some 30 people will have to be mobilized to "go" anywhere, even for a cup of coffee!
Never Say Never
Several years ago, I said I will never iron a man’s shirt again. I was going about, keeping perfectly loyal to that charming statement, feeling glib about it. My sons are required to wear shirts and ties to their work. As it turns out, every morning (including the weekends) I now volunteer to iron not one but two men’s shirts, to save time departing the house. I don’t mind the chore, as it is one of those favors we tend to do with love for our children, except that I have to live with that statement, which now feels like a foolish thing to have said. Slogans are worthless, when you think about it. We should qualify every slogan we pick by adding: “…unless I have to.” Sigh.
Hamed Nikpay

My interview with Hamed Nikpay was published in Peyk’s Issue 110. Peyk is the publication of Persian Cultural Center in San Diego. You can look at that piece here for the Farsi text (Page 17) and here for the English text (also on Page 17). I had promised it in May when I had a post about this young artist. In the meantime, you can watch and listen to Hamed here, here and here (his website also has selections of his music). One thing I can say about Hamed Nikpay—in addition to his beautiful voice and music, this young man also has an impressive personality, full of hope, excitement and passion, and his honesty and optimism are sparkling and contagious. Those of you who live around here, don’t lose a chance to go see him onstage when he has a concert sometime later this summer. He is electric!

Abbas Kiarostami's Works in Berkeley

Iranian Community in Diaspora,
Phone Call In The Car
“…Mom, what are you doing?”
“I’m writing.”
“That’s funny, it sounded like you were in your car, driving.”
“I am in my car, driving, and writing…in my head.”
Independence Day

“I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion.”
Thomas Jefferson
Today is July 4th, which is Independence Day in the US. This is a national holiday in which Americans celebrate America’s independence from British rule. In cities and towns across America, there are celebrations and spectacular fireworks on this day.
I wished I could encourage all politicians in the world, including contemporary American politicians, to go back and to read Thomas Jefferson’s writings and thinking about government, people, and politics. I believe he was a genius most of whose thinking is even more relevant today, globally, than when it was originally written.
Happy Fourth of July!
White Mulberries (Toot)

Take a moment to look at my most favorite fruit in the world! These are white berries (toot sefid), grown on multi-branched leafy trees in Tehran, most notably in the suburb of Kan. They are quite possibly the sweetest fruits on earth, incomparable to anything else. Once a year in late spring and early summer, they are presented all over Tehran, heaped on huge round platters. Since I was a child, I never knew when to stop once I got started eating them one by one at an unbelievable pace and speed! Though it’s more practical to buy them in a shop, the best way to eat them is picking them fresh off the tree. I remember the ceremony of picking berries in Tehran. A big cloth was spread around the tree trunk, and someone would beat the tree with a large stick, helping the ripe berries fall onto the cloth, where waiting children would rush to have their pick! I miss the fruit, and I miss seeing them in shops, where bees would fly all over them, finding it hard to part with this, the sweetest fruit in the world.
Photo by Parviz Forghani,
Free Ali Farahbakhsh

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