Storms building over San Francisco Bay, January 5, 2008. (I know this is not one of my best pictures, as I stopped the car in a precarious spot on El Cerrito Hills and snapped the picture in pouring rain, but if you click on it, you can see Golden Gate Bridge more clearly.)
Can you believe how much snow has fallen on Tehran? I read that all international flights into and out of Tehran have been cancelled and that the whole city is shut down. I hope all my friends in Tehran are staying warm and comfortable, enjoying the view from a window! I spent the day working not on what was on my list, but on the ad hoc list which just emerged as the morning progressed. I tried not to stress over it and go with the flow. As a result, I have a mixed bag of accomplishments and failures for the day (very typical, wouldn't you say?). My important writing piece received no progress today, but I'm glad to report that my house is clean and tidy, some of my emails have been answered, my plants have been watered, and my kids will have home-made food to eat for a couple of days. As you can see, at least some of my priorities are in proper order! I'm now going to see the movie, Charlie Wilson's War. If it's noteworthy, I'll be happy to report back. Happy Sunday Evening.
I am waiting to hear about the movie :-) .
you know Nazy, I wish everybody in Tehran stay warm and comfortable not only my friends.
Salam Niloufar Jan:
The movie was thought-provoking and sad, especially in the end. When Congressman Charlie Wilson went back to the House Appropriations Committee, which had earlier given $1 billion to Afghani Mujahedin to arm them to fight the Russians and had successfully driven them out, he asked for $1 million for Afghani schools to educate a nation, 50% of which were under the age of 14, and they denied. It was very sad. I kept thinking how things would have changed if they had agreed to help educate Afghanis. The movie is based on a true story, and has received good reviews. It wasn't an uplifting movie at all though, if like me, you think cinema is for entertainment. Thanks for asking my friend.
Salam Mehran Jan:
Thank you for your comment and good wishes for all. I'm glad to know that when I make a mistake and become selfish to make good wishes only for my friends, you are there to correct the wish for seeing everyone in Tehran safe and warm. That was very nobel of you and I thank you.
سلام نازی جونم ...
نمی دونم خبر داری یا نه ، تهران یعنی کل استان تهران امروز دوشنبه و فردا سه شنبه تعطیل شده و همه اندر کیف این موضوع مانده اند ...
راستی ارتفاع برف در مناطق ما تقریبا به 50 سانت رسیده !
و میگن در 20 سال اخیر چنین برفی بی سابقه است !!!
Salam Farshad Jan:
Yes, I know about the surprise days off, due to heavy snow. When we lived in Tehran, I always joined in the excitement my children had about a surprise day off on snowy days. I remember we would check the evening news programs to see whether schools would be closed the next day! I hope you are staying warm and safe. If you can send me a one minute videoclip of the snow, I'll post it here. Be good Farshad Jan.
you are welcome Nazy jan
Thanks nazy azizam . I have to think about it . Actually i am not in a mood to watch a sad movie :) . I think you are right .
نازی عزیزم
خوشحالم که خوبی
من که وفت نکردم بخونم نوشته های قشنگتو
امیدوارم که مردم ما در همه جای ایران زمستان آسوده و راجتی داشته باشند.
البته این فقط یه آرزو است
سلام نازی خانم
اهواز هم اینروزها خیلی سرد شده .
هر روز مسیر رفت و برگشت به سر کار را از جاده ساحلی که در طول کارون و دو طرف آن درست شده انتخاب می کنم.
یک چشمم به راهست و یک چشمم به کارون بزرگ و با عظمت .
به کارون که با رمز و راز به آرامی جریان دارد و در دلش هزاران داستان نهفته دارد
یاد آنروزها بخیر:
لب کارون
چه گلبارون
میشه وقتی که
میشینن دلدارون
دور از غمها
ناز جان خوشحالم که با بچه ها اوقات خوبی داشتی و داری.امیدوارم همیشه ایام به کام باشه.ظرف شامت هم بسیسسسسسسسسار باسلیقه است خانوم گل.نوش جانت.
مسعود چه با نمک ازآوازآغاسی یاد کرده
من هم اینقدر سن دارم که او را یادمه که در اوج بود یه زمانی!
Friday evening when I went home from work, the street was covered with tree branches and leaves, and the large tree right next to our unit was missing. Apparently it broke down and the Fire fighters had to cut it down to remove the danger. I miss the tree.
I miss the snow in Tehran too. We talked to family in Tehran last night and they said how beautiful it was in the snow.
سلام نازی جونم
راستش رو اگر بخوای انصافا خیلی خوب همه رسیدند
با وجودی که امروز میدان آزادی ظهر دمایی در حدود -11 درجه رو برای تهران نشان می داد ولی واقعا ما هیچ گونه سختی ای احساس نکردیم و همه چیز عالی است .........
با وجود سرمای زیاد گاز با فشار می آید و همه چیز کاملا عالی است
البته من رفتم و درجه ی دیگ رو 10 درجه کم کردم که در این شرایط که فشار گاز بدلیل هوای سرد خیلی پایین است فشاری به دیگران وارد نشه ...
راستش رو بخوای نازی جونم من می خواستم این کار رو بکنم ولی چون حالت عزیز این کار رو کرده بود من نخواستم کاری تکراری انجام بدم ، البته اگر شما بخوای برات حتما می فرستم
ولی من سعی دارم کاری نو انجام بدم
به زودی خواهم فرستاد که اگر خواستی پست کنی ...
Salam Marzieh Jan:
Thank you for your good vibrations. Areh, yade Nematollah-e-Aghasi be kheir! I think he is singing that song in heaven now. Be good Marzieh Jan.
Salam Masoud Jan:
Thank you for sharing nostalgia about Ahvaz, Karoun, and Nematollah Aghassi. He was a special entertainer who died too soon, though when he died I told my friend that perhaps he had lived a fabulous life, full of exciting and interesting events and memories, something most ordinary people never experience.
I hope you stay warm on these Karoun winter nights. Take care.
Salam Ehsan Jan:
I'm sorry you and Maryam lost your frontyard tree! What a bummer. The problem with the strong winds (which incidentally will be back again tomorrow), isn't so much their taking and blowing things away. The problem is where they "deliver" what they took from your frontyard! Can you imagine which hapless individual might have received your tree, and where?!
I hope your family are safe and warm in Tehran which I can only imagine must be really beautiful at this time. Take care azizam.
Salam Farshad Jan:
Thank God you guys are fine and well. Har cheh az doost miresad nikoost! Thank you in advance and be good and safe my friend.
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