Let me tell you one of the most beautiful love stories ever written in Persian Literature. It will be summarized. If you would like to read more or in Farsi, let me know and we will figure out a way to make sure you get to see this gem of an Iranian tale. Remember this story. Tell it to your children. They will always remember that they heard about love from you first. Celebrate love Persian style. (Part I here. Part II here. Part III here. Part IV here. Part V here. Part VI here.) Farhad went to Bistoon Mountain and started work. First thing he did was to engrave a statue of Shirin in the mountain, one which he kissed several times a day to gain energy to carry on his laborious project. He would then climb to the mountaintop and from there he would proclaim his undying love for Shirin, and begin to work. He worked day and night to deliver on his end of the promise, hoping for Khosrow to keep his end, letting him marry Shirin. The story of Farhad's astonishing progress in what everyone had thought to be an impossible project soon reached Khosrow. Everyone was talking about Farhad, the artist, the poet, the lover who slept none, working a miracle in the mountains, building Khosrow's desired path. On some occasions Shirin went to visit Farhad, to "observe his progress on the project." Each time she was more in awe of his dedication and felt closer to Farhad.
Hearing about all this, Khosrow was beside himself with envy and fear of losing Shirin to Farhad's amazing love as the project neared completion. He sought counsel from his advisors who told him the only way to eliminate Farhad would be to take evil action. A messenger was dispatched to the mountaintop to tell Farhad of Shirin's death. Hearing this horrible lie, Farhad who saw no reason to live anymore without Shirin, threw himself down to his death. Shirin was devastated at the news of Farhad's death. She mourned his death, cried inconsolably and ordered a suitable memorial monument erected at his gravesite. Khosrow tried to console Shirin by sending her a letter, paying her condolences. Soon thereafter, Khosrow's wife, Maryam fell ill and died. Shirin, in turn, sent Khosrow a letter of condolences. As fate would have it, before Khosrow would propose marriage to Shirin, he had to try intimacy with yet another woman named Shekar in Isfahan, which delayed the lovers' union for another year.
Nazy jan,
Thanks for sharing this part. I felt so sad for Farhad although I knew what happens to him... :( :(
I love this series.
Thank You
Salam Pardis-e-Azizam: I know what you mean. No matter how many times we have read the tragic parts of Khosrow & Shirin, they continue to shock and sadden us! It's because we come to love the characters so. Nezami's Farhad is a "perfect man." His Khosrow is a "perfect king," but a "less-than-perfect man," and Shirin is the ultimate woman, beautiul, athletic, artistic, loving, loyal, and wise. We really don't want any of them dead!
I will have one last episode next week, and then we will decide which Iranian love story we would like to have next. Thanks so much for coming and for reading. You make it worth the trouble Pardis Jan.
just read it ...
I love this story very much and thats because of the anciant envirnment I think ...
Uni-Far Jan: This story has so much emotion in it. The tragic parts have sadness in them, but oh the love parts are so magnificient and happy!
agree ...
I love the dialog between Khosro and Farhad ...
Universal Farshad: Yes, that is the best part of the poem, I agree.
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