I am a citizen of this planet, who believes there is a purpose and mission to our existence. I pursue that mission and try to enjoy every lesson, every day, and every last drop of the pain and joy we drink when we live. I live a mostly regret-free life, with each failure quickly becoming a valuable experience and something to laugh about, and every success something about which to be thankful and celebrative. I do all of this in and around my beloved Berkeley, California.
Berkeley is beautiful in so many ways! Maybe I am biased because it is my birthplace, but no where else in the world do you feel like you're in a city that is very special...
I wish I was as lucky as you and could enjoy my morning tea in Berkeley weather every day.
Yes, Assal Jan. I am lucky in more ways than one! Berkeley's weather this week reminded me of something my British friend, Garry said when I was doing a project in the UK. He said that contrary to common belief, there is nothing wrong with the weather in Britain; the only problem is that "we have so much of it! Sunny, windy, cloudy, and rainy all on the same day!"
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