This is the documentary I went to see last weekend. I use the movie poster for their San Diego showing because, a) I am ashamed to say that Berkeley Lecture Series (in which I am a member) did not have a flyer for the event (nor any other event it organizes), b) The Persian Club of San Diego invited and paid for Mr. Takmil Homayoun’s trip to USA, so they deserve the original credit, and c) my little niece is so active and involved in PCC in San Diego, so this is my “thank you” to her for being such a cool Iranian.
If you can go see this movie, or if you can buy it on DVD (it is available for sale), please do so. It is a delightful journey through Iranian movies before and after the Islamic Revolution, and how they have influenced the Iranian society, or vice versa. The interviews are simply delightful, and hearing Iranian directors talk about their trials and tribulations of making movies in Iran is fascinating. The part about the Iran-Iraq War and movies made during that era simply made me and my friend Kathy cry. Takmil Homayoun himself is a very witty and personable man, who made us laugh in delight during the questions and answers period. See it.
نازی جان. ببخشید کامنتم مربوط به پستهای قبلته. من شش سال در کودکیم رو تو همدان زندگی کردم. سالهای سال به همدان نرفته بودم اما چهار سال پیش به همدان رفتم و بی نهایت یاد بچگیم افتادم. همه چیزش برام آشنا بود. تهران این یادآوری کودکی رو برای من به اون شکل نداره. من ده سالم بود که ما به تهران اومدیم. سفالهای آبی همدان را که دیدم باز یاد بچگیم افتادم. یاد دوغهای خنک مسیر گنجنامه که در آن کاسه های آبی می دادند دستمان. یادت هست؟
Salam Shin Jan! Baz bikhab shodi?! Yes, yes, I have seen the blue ceramics in use in Hamadan! The other thing which I saw and really tried to learn, was the way Hamadani women prepared their pickles (torshi) jam (morabba)so tastefully, and especially the way they set their dinner tables, with so much elaboration (tashrifat). I could never be that good though, I know.
Can you tell me where this is for sale on DVD? I can't seem to find it. Thanks!
Dear James: Thank you for coming to visit. I leave you this note in case you come back, so you know I have seen your question. I am researching the answer. I'll be back with the information. Be good.
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