I am off for the weekend, excited to be seeing members of my family after a long time. I found my way to the blog of a dancer who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and specializes in Tajik, Afghan, Uzbek, and Iranian dances. Her name is
Aliah Najmabadi.
I leave you with an image from her
blog, showing an artist family in Badakhshan who are performing music, where the solo dance is performed by a very young Tajik boy. Don't you think that little boy's pose and facial expression is priceless? It is so clear that however he was taught, he has learned to understand and feel dance in his little body and soul! It is so touching to look at that concentration on his face.
For all the affinity I feel for Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan as neighbors who share so much in culture, language, and history with Iran, I feel awful that life in those countries must be marred by consistent violations of human rights. Take a look at this
article. When will we be free?
I hope you relax over the weekend, and feel close to those you love. I hope angels kiss your eyes to dream good dreams, as I used to wish for my children every night! I hope there is respite from war and evil at least over the next few days. Have a good weekend.
Have a glorious weekend. I love tajiki people.
Dear Serendip: I thought you gave up on me! Thanks for coming to visit. Yes, they are lovely and so close to us in so many ways. Thank you, and I hope it's a lovely weekend for you, too.
نازی جان این کامنت مربوط به پست قبلی شماست. می خواستم دیشب بنویسمش که متاسفانه اینترنتم وصل نشد
نازی عزیزم
ممنون از دعوتت. من اگه بخوام تاثیر گذارترینهایم را بنویسم مثنوی هفتاد من کاغذ می شود و شاید برای فضای وبلاگم زیادی آشکار و واضح باشد. برای منی که با اسم مستعار می نویسم و شاید هنوز فکر می کنم که پشت نقاب خانم شین از چشم کسانی که مرا می شناسند مخفی هستم. به نوعی دلم نمی خواهد خودم را بیشتر از این لو بدهم. دلم می خواهد چهره ام همان باشد که در وبلاگم هست. باز هم ممنونم. امیدوارم درک کنی اگر ننویسم.
I understand absolutely, Shin Jan. No problem. Be and do as you please my dear. Thanks for considering it my friend. Be good Shin.
فرشته ها بیان به خوابت". این دعای منه واسه پسرم. ما هم دور نیستیم. کاش بشه یکروز همدیگه رو ملاقات کنیم.
Nimeh Shab Jan: Thanks for coming to visit. Of course! Whereabouts are you? Write me an email if you like. Come back soon.
How fitting that last night we were watching "Gandhi" on television. I also share your wish that we have an end to war and hostility around the world for at least a day...
Assal Jan: That was a great movie! Ben Kingsley is an awesome actor. I'm glad you finally saw it. Wasn't it made the year you were born?! Be good Assal Jan and show me your lovely face soon.
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