And so, she is back! My fabulous friend, Serendip, is back! Those of you who have been reading me longer, know that since April of last year, Serendip used to come and visit me frequently. Of course I love all my readers and I am always delighted to hear from any of them. Serendip, however, is unique in many ways. She was one of the very first visitors I ever had in my blogs, after my
blogger friends in the area and
Tameshk. She came and always left the most insightful comments for me. She is a highly-educated woman, a scientist, who has love and passion about poetry, music, spirituality, and politics, among other things. Every comment she ever left for me had a lesson of love and compassion in it. Serendip has a mostly political
weblog. She keeps abreast of developing news and has her very distinct political views. Where she and I meet, however, there is little politics. We meet and greet each other in that beautiful vast land of humanity, where we talk about love, compassion, the arts, and anything beautiful. When
Shobeir had first started visiting me, one day he wrote a comment for Serendip in which he said: "Your blogs are so serious and so cold (referring to the news pieces Serendip posts), but when I see you here, you are a poet, so warm!" Such has been our friendship, full of warmth and human poetry.
Serendip took a hiatus for a few months to be with her loving family. I am so delighted to see her back! Today I received my third message from her in one week, so I know she is back for sure, my refined, artistic, and articulate friend. It wouldn't have done to have welcomed her back in the comments section. I have missed her so much, I had to write her her very own post. Welcome back Serendip! Please stay this time. My older readers have asked after you, wondering what may have happened to keep you away from these parts. I explained to them that this was temporary. I'm glad you're back, my beautiful, unmet friend.
Much love and beauty. I'm honored. I love you most fabulous Iranian I have ever known.
Nazy Jan: I have to thank you again on behlf of me and others for being such a generous soul to allow us to share your soul's often chatoic but vastly illuminating journey to light and wonderment.
You're a *Light* that is sown for the righteous. You make the world fragrant, and makes us feel that all will be one. Before reading your blog, the light was completely hidden for many of us, but you have sown the light like a seed that gives birth to other seeds and fruits. Thereby the world is sustained.
You're ongoing miracle, m friend and for that the world is a better place. We love you and are grateful your the gift of you in our lives.
Nazy Jan: I have to thank you again on behalf of me and others for being such a generous soul to allow us to share your soul's often chatoic but vastly illuminating journey to light and wonderment.
You're a *Light* that is sown for the righteous. You make the world fragrant, and makes us feel that all will be one. Before reading your blog, the light was completely hidden for many of us, but you have sown the light like a seed that gives birth to other seeds and fruits. Thereby the world is sustained.
You're ongoing miracle, m friend and for that the world is a better place. We love you and are grateful your the gift of you in our lives.
salami dobare!
I think we should name this week the Friendship Week.
I had the chance to read the wonderful post which Mina had dedicated to you. It was a wonderful story. Then this morning, I read this post. It's becoming a good practice for you and all your readers (including me) to put your advices (all your Friday’s posts) into action. I mean acknowledging our friends and expressing our love and care to people that matter to us. Let’s declare this week the Friendship Week. To be even more unconventional, the friendship week is from this Friday to the next Friday.
Serendip Jan:
I am humbled by your kind words. Without trying to turn this into a mutual admiration society, I just want to say that you are the exceptional one, my friend. There is so much feeling and thought inside you. You helped one of the saddest stories inside me find its way up to the surface, and be told. Do you remember Mashad's Collage of Life?
You helped me learn how to deal with some of the less desirable comments I was receiving for a while.
You also brought so much light and enlightenment to me quoting tens of poems and inspirational pieces, sharing music and video clips with me and my other readers.
You are an exceptional woman, gifted and privileged in many ways and it is my utter joy to have you as my friend. Come back again soon and meet some of my new young readers. They continue to be a source of joy in my life.
Have a beautiful weekend Serendip Jan.
Daisy Jan:
Thank you! Your wish is my command! Welcome to Friendship Week! Now come join me, my friend. You are the best, sweet, young Daisy!
نازی جان
تو همیشه کلیپ های قشنگ و پست های قشنگ و احساسات قشنگ و آدم های قشنگی رو که می شناسی با ما تقسیم می کنی
چه خوب شد که پیدات کردم
you are an old soul
much much love,
Salam Golabi Jan:
Thank you. And you are one, too. The pleasure of knowing you is all mine.
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