
Working Saturday

A flower bouquet in a country house in the outskirts of Paris, December 2007. Photo by sweet Mersedeh.
It looks like the California winter is almost behind us. Today is sunny and breezy, feeling warmer than it has in a while. All three guys are off to work and library, and the house is all mine again. I'm listening to my "work music," which is intended to make me inspired to move and to do things, and I could really use some inspiration to move and do things today! Looks like I will have to make this the day I will get organized around here. Anything and everything around me seems to need some kind of attention and I will have to go to it! This "work music," I am embarrassed to say, is rather light on the artistic value, but it does fit the purpose for me. Jay-e- Bayramali Khali, to tease me about listening to this and to offer his song interpretations! I'm laughing as I reach for that broom! Have a happy Saturday you all. If the mood stays with me, I'll come back and write again later tonight. Dokhtar Tehrooni, divoonam kardi....!


Anonymous said...

سلام نه بابا راحت باش
خوشحالم که بهتری..
من هم سعی میکنم که موسیقی که برام مناسب ه رو وقت کار پیدا کنم..
دختر تهرونی جان..بی خونم کردی..
توی همین مود بمون لطفا..

شاید دوست داشته باشی این رو..


Anonymous said...

It is my honor and pleasure that this kind of things remind me to you. to tell the true , I sympathize with this poor guy who has been driven crazy by Tehranian girl !!! He talks about being afflicted , miserable and bankrupt . I can understand , God bless him !!!!!

Tameshk said...

Nazy Joonam

I think at some point during our daily activities every one of us needs a little energetic 6&8 music like Dokhtar Tehrooni.

I remember in the Art University in Tehran our music students would get a break from all the principled music practices and call for this kin of music: what they referred to as KHAAl-TOOR Music.

I really need such a flower bouquet in my house. Thanks to Mersedeh for taking the picture and thanks to you for sharing it.

بانوي جشنواره زمستان said...

زيگ زاگ
زيگ زاگ
....مي خونيم با دلي شاد
نازي جونم امشب بعد از يه مدت طولاني يه "بعد از ساعت چهار" دارم
و همه دوستهامو جمع کردم که ببينمشون
کلي ذوق زده ام که بعد از 4 - 5 ماه کار و درس طولاني يه بعد از ظهر با خيال راحت دارم
از صبح هر چي آهنگه شاده رو لبامه
براي تو هم اينجا مي خونمشون
هميشه خوب و در جريان باشي مهربوووووووووون

Roya said...

I love that song when I am working. But my favorite is this one, you should try it. It makes wonders!

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard the said song and with the snail speed of my net connection can not watch youtube but sometimes, a smaill dose of "ebtezal" is very good for our souls! Talking about music have you heard Mahvash Ajir (she spells her family name in a much more difficult way like Azhir? ). I like her very much. Nice voice, nice music and nice choice of lyrics.

Nazy said...

Salam Bar Marizehye Azizam:

Thank you for your good words. I loved that clip. I will use it soon. It was a very good weekend,all in all, with major accomplishments around the house.

I hope your weekend was glorious, too. Be good and come back again soon.

Nazy said...

Salam Bayram Jan:

I'm so glad you came and offered your interpretation! Yes, I am reminded of you in many ways all the time, but this was a special occasion!

You side like you have a lot of experience with Dokhtar Tehrooni's! I hope the next one that comes along is nicer to you. So, do you and I have a date for Valentine's Day? Abbas Ghaderi and Chelokabab Soltani sound positivey devine! Do let me know.

Nazy said...

Salam Tameshk Jan:

I am a little embarassed for showing my Khal-Toori side! Yes, even Master Hossein Alizadeh told me one time that he doesn't mind listening to Andy & Kooros at the right time! This was the right time for me, I guess.

Mersedeh might come to visit next weekend, and I will be sure to convey your sentiment about the photo. Do you remember the day we were looking at flowers together at the Berkley Farmer's Market? I miss you girl.

Nazy said...

Salam Neda Jan:

How fabulous to find time finally to party with your friends! That is so wonderful. I hope you guys had a good time and really enjoyed each other's company, playing lots of happy music and dancing.

I hope you are always happy and joyful my friend.

Nazy said...

Salam Roya Jan:

It is so good to see you around here again. I do come by and read you all the time. Thank you for that musical offering! It was the best! Yes, it's a catchy tune, and I have it, too. Once I pass this post and get back into more serious music, let's all of us forget this little foray into Ebtezal! Ha Ha, today, though, I LOVE it! Be good and happy beautiful Roya!

Nazy said...

Salam Farideh Jan:

I'm so glad you came back. I did look for Mahvash Ajir, and found it here:


She sings a Forough poem here, Aftab Mishavad. She sounds really good. Thanks for introducing her to me.

Yes, I had my share of Ebtezal this weekend. I'll go back to the arts and culture scene again tomorrow! Wished you were here and we could have a cup of tea together and chat.

Be good doostam and take care.