My autumn flower arrangemet. Photo by Tameshk.
On my way home last night, I received a phone call from my niece, giving me some bad news about family members. My lovely aunt (my
Khaleh), the oldest member of our family, passed away peacefully yesterday. One of my nieces continues to struggle with a mysterious blood condition, and another one of my nieces has been in an accident, but is recuperating now. All of a sudden I missed my family so much. I told my niece: "You know, I have been so anxious recently, feeling overwhelmed with life. I wonder whether it's because I haven't been spending enough time with my family." And the wise young woman said to me: "I think so. You know when we are near our family, even when no words are exchanged, a lot of energy and loving signals are sent and received, and when we get up to go home, all of a sudden we feel better."
I am going to go hug and hold three of my oldest friends in America, my sisters, my nieces, my nephews, and, oh, O.K., my four brothers-in-law today and tomorrow. I am going to call my nieces and nephews and other family members all over the world today and tomorrow. I am going to "send and receive" loving energy over the weekend. I know you know what is best for you; but if you are like me, who know these things but sometimes "temporarily forget" them, just as my young niece reminded me, let me be the one to remind you to go hug, kiss, write and call your family and friends and send and receive loving energy. Have a good weekend you all, and keep those energies flowing.
P.S. Listen to
this Rast Panjgah piece by Alireza Eftekhari and only a piano accompanist. It is one of my few favorite songs by him, and it happens to be one of my most favorite pieces of music in the world. It is not a very happy tempo, which is why I had never recommended it before. I love it because it is so soulful, and I listen to it whether I'm sad or happy.
از این که خواندم خاله ی عزیز خود را از دست دادید متاسف شدم. امیدوارم در کنار اقوام خود اوقات خوبی را سپری کنید.
دوست داشتنی ترین نشان ها (سیگنال ها) خیلی شکل و شمایل فیزیکی ندارند (مثل پیام های تلفنی ) بلکه با چشم دیگری باید آن ها را دید و با گوش دیگری شنید: در لحن یک گفتار، بار یک نوشته، تاثیر یک قطعه موسیقی یا گیرایی یک تصویر. نه؟
Salam azizam;
omidvaram ke hamsihe khabarhay khoob daryaft koni....
vay cheghdr posthay akhar hafte shoma ghashange .........:) bous
Nice to find your blog. But let me express my condolences first.
my condolences...
بسیار انسانی بود
و برای من اموزنده
بابت خبر بد متاسفم نازی جان. هرچند مرگ عزیزان در هر صورت غم انگیز است، از آنچه نوشتهای به نظر میاید که خالهات در کهنسالی و در میان عزیزانش و در آرامش در گذشته است. این یکی از آرزوهاییست که هر کسی دارد.
نازی عزیز سلام
درگذشت خاله ی عزیزتان را تسلیت میگویم. انشاءالله غم اخرتان باشد.
دلم با این صحبت شما تنگ شد. من هم این هفته به دیدار خانواده می روم تا تولد برادرم را جشن بگیریم.
متاسفم برای از دست دادن خاله.
همین الان می خوام برم و به اونایی که شماره اشون توی موبایلمه یک اس-ام-اس محبت آمیزبزنم.مرسی
I m sorry for your lost. May she rest in peace.
Yes! I agree that all of us have to spend more time with our family. not matter how important our friends are for us, family should be the priority.
I spend the weekend with my family too. We went out to dinner last night I know I still need them more that they do.
Nazy Joonam
I am so sorry to hear that! I know how hard it is to be far from family and home in time of sadness. My thoughts are with you!
Dear Kind Nazi,
I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. I know aunts are so dear to every one.
I'm not sure if it's polite to talk about my happinees while you are in grief but I hope it can bring a smile on your face as I know you become happy by other's happinesses.
I had a splendid time yesterday, never thought I can have a happy birthday away from my family and friends but to my surprise I had a great day yesterday thx to all who made it special.
Just wanted to let you know that i'm really happy inside and also wanted to thank you for giving me the belief.
Wish you all the best my dear friend.
Dear Alef Shin:
Thank you. I agree. To tell a sentiment, a story, or a thought, we don't always need words. All we need is a heart that would hear them in whatever representation we may choose. When hearts talk and hear, words and conventional methods of communication can be skipped.
Marzieh Jan: Thank you. You are kind as usual. I had planned a much more upbeat Friday/weekend post, but the mood escape me. I hope you have had a good weekend my friend.
Dear Karamudini:
Thank you for coming and for leaving me your kind comment. I am honored. What kind of name is Karamudini? Please come back and join us again.
Salam Mohammad Jan: Thanks so much for coming and for your kind remark. I hope you are having a relaxing weekend with that extra hour of sleep today! Take care my brilliant friend.
Salam Hooman Jan:
Thank you so much for coming and for your kind message. Please come again.
Salam Ehsan Jan:
Thank you for your condolences. Yes, my aunt lived a long life, full of love. She was surrounded with love when she died, and you are right, this is the way to live and die. Everybody dies someday. I think much of the mourning we do, is for ourselves and our deprivation of the deceased individual, feeling sad to be missing him/her. My aunt is in heaven now, I am sure of it. Be good Ehsan Jan.
Eiman Jan: Thank you for your condolences. I am so glad you will be visiting your family! A birthday party sounds like a fabulous thing around which to gather and to celebrate life! Have a good time my friend!
Afarin bar Mana! Good. Celebrate life and your love for your friends and family. We must all do it everyday, as though there won't be a tomorrow! Be good sweet Mana.
Salam Leva Jan. Thank you. I hope your weekend with your family has been fabulous. Going out to dinner for us is a comic effort, as there are so many at the table and some of us live far away and someone is always late! Just the same, it's always nice to be together. Your parents are (mashallah) so young and I know you will have many years of family gatherings ahead of you. Enjoy life Leva Jan.
Thank you Tameshk Jan. Where are you now? Back in Princeton? I miss you. Please come back soon.
Ah Maryam Jan:
In my confusion, I forgot to wish you a happy birthday in my post, as I had planned! Sorry. Happy Birthday my friend. I am delighted to know that your friends were appropriately kind and attentive to you on your birthday. See? None of us is an island. We are all connected to each other somehow and true friendships and friends are a testament to that. I hope the new year of your life is filled with joy, prosperity, and friendship. Happy Birthday!
Nazi Joonam
was it the aunt of yours who had diabetes, and was single? i am sorry to hear she passed away, but there are circumstance in life when death can be a blessing. sounds cruel, i know, but for me, it definitely would be a blessing should i get old and sick and disable, with no hope of recovery even if i try.
love, fariba
Salam Fariba Jan:
Yes, my only Khaleh. I agree that she became free of a failing body. She did live a long life and we all enjoyed her many kindnesses to us. I think the best way to live and die is in peace. Be good azizam and happy life to you and your lovely family.
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