I am a citizen of this planet, who believes there is a purpose and mission to our existence. I pursue that mission and try to enjoy every lesson, every day, and every last drop of the pain and joy we drink when we live. I live a mostly regret-free life, with each failure quickly becoming a valuable experience and something to laugh about, and every success something about which to be thankful and celebrative. I do all of this in and around my beloved Berkeley, California.
Nazy azizam;Thanks again for your lovely fridayposts!Have a wonderful weekend!
آه.باورم نمیشه اینقدر زود دوباره جمعه اومده.از پست های شما می فهمم که یک هفته چقدر زود گذشت.آخر هفته خوبی داشته باشی نازی پر از مهر
Thank you Marzieh Jan! I am usually in a very good mood on Friday evenings, looking forward to doing as I please! I think some of that good feeling inevitably pours into my Friday posts. I hope you are having a fabulous weekend. I have to get up early tomorrow morning to go do my Thanksgiving dinner shopping, as supermarkets are so crowded around this time of the year. I hope you are enjoying your time with your family. Take care.
Salam Mana Jan. I have missed you my friend. Thanks for coming again. It's funny, as I always say time goes on a lot faster in the US than it does in Iran! My life passes in a blur here, and I miss the slower pace of living in Tehran. Have a good day Mana Jan.
Nazy Jaan;Thanks for all good feeling you gave me with your writing.This is very kind of you.
Salam Bar Sayeh! Boy, I didn't expect to ever see you in these parts! I am honored you came. There was something about that post of yours which tugged at my heart. Thank you for inspiring me to write. Be good and come again!
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Nazy azizam;
Thanks again for your lovely friday
Have a wonderful weekend!
آه.باورم نمیشه اینقدر زود دوباره جمعه اومده.از پست های شما می فهمم که یک هفته چقدر زود گذشت.آخر هفته خوبی داشته باشی نازی پر از مهر
Thank you Marzieh Jan! I am usually in a very good mood on Friday evenings, looking forward to doing as I please! I think some of that good feeling inevitably pours into my Friday posts. I hope you are having a fabulous weekend. I have to get up early tomorrow morning to go do my Thanksgiving dinner shopping, as supermarkets are so crowded around this time of the year. I hope you are enjoying your time with your family. Take care.
Salam Mana Jan. I have missed you my friend. Thanks for coming again. It's funny, as I always say time goes on a lot faster in the US than it does in Iran! My life passes in a blur here, and I miss the slower pace of living in Tehran. Have a good day Mana Jan.
Nazy Jaan;
Thanks for all good feeling you gave me with your writing.
This is very kind of you.
Salam Bar Sayeh! Boy, I didn't expect to ever see you in these parts! I am honored you came. There was something about that post of yours which tugged at my heart. Thank you for inspiring me to write. Be good and come again!
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