This might be a good post to talk about another related topic. I know some of you have been curious about my unlikely friendship with a group of young Iranian bloggers in this area. Here's the simple story of the way that friendship began. I went to a panel discussion about Iranian bloggers at Stanford University last February. In transition from another life into a new one, I had created my weblog in December 2006, and had been writing in it, but I hadn't given its address to anyone. I went there to find some answers to my questions, but was too shy to ask my questions! The panel consisted of Mehran, Leva, Omid, and Mehdi. Omid was already my friend, but I had never met or known about the other panelists or their blogs. Unbeknownst to me, there were others in that room whom I also did not know, but who would become my friends a little later, such as this fine gentleman. I left the gathering that day, having briefly chatted with the panelists (enough for them to remember me later, I guess!). Anyhow, our friendship started on that day, and I started sending Mehran my writings. He was full of kindness and support for me and eventually, with his and Leva's cajoling and encouragement, I gave them my blog address on their birthday in March (the two of them share the same birthday, would you believe?), they publicized it, and I went from a "blogger makhfi" to a public blogger. Mehran left me my very first comment on this blog. His blogger personality, Ala Hazrat Haj Agha, "A king without a throne and a Haji without a prayer," is a wonderful character, a funny, joyful and happy soul, and a man full of hope, optimism, and love for others. His real character, Mehran of Kerman and Tehran and Kermanshah and Rome and Fresno and San Francisco, I'll have you know, is even better than His Majesty. This one's throne and crown and prayer is his heart of gold.
سلام نازی خانم.و سلام بر مهران.
اول آنکه من از دوستی تو با این بلاگر ها و هر بلاگری تعجب نمی کنم.دلیلش"آن" توست.دوم آنکه الان باید حوالی سالروز برپایی این خانه باشد.سوم آنکه من دوبار شاهد بوده ام دوستانت را به داشتن قلبی از طلا تحسین می کنی.چرا؟امر معنوی را نباید با مقیاس مادی سنجید.البته گویا فراموش کرده ام رابطه میان زن و طلا را.(لوا نشنود )به هر حال آغاز سه سالگی زندگی جدیدت را تبریک می گویم.بهروزیت مستدام باد.
Salam Masoud Jan:
"A heart of gold" is an English expression, meaning that a person has a generous and kind heart. It isn't a personal invention of mine, so, though I acknowledge your point, there isn't much I can do about that! Since I write in English, I have to use expressions available to my modest knowledge. Of course, "ghalb-e-talaee" is a lot less impressive in Farsi, than, say, "darya-del." But "sea heart" is not an English word, so that expression will have to do!
I have written earlier about my relationship with gold and diamonds and clothes and houses. I don't have a good relationship with too many material things, as I have learned that none of them bring happiness.
I also acknowledge that many women like gold, just like many men like cars. I have also met men in my life who loved and owned and wore diamonds and gold, and women who loved electronic gadgets, so I'm not sure that love for "things" is limited to one gender alone.
I did write several posts in December 2006, which I somehow deleted and they no longer exist in my blog. For all intents and purposes, however, I am celebrating the first year of my blog's birth. I will write about that soon.
Thank you for taking the time and trouble to read my posts and to leave comments. In his interview, when asked if he cares how many comments he gets on his posts, Ala Hazrat replied honestly that he does, saying that "all bloggers care." I know of bloggers who say they don't care. I'm not one of them. I write to be read first, and then to have a dialogue with those who bother to comment. I don't know what to do with comments which only compliment me, except to thank the reader for them. It is when a reader leaves a piece of his/her thinking and feelings in a comment that I feel truly rewarded for the effort.
Be happy and take care Masoud.
Nazy jonam, thank you so much for the post and the link. You are right! that day in stanford was a trnsion of old life in a new life for me too. I am so happy that day I came down to stanford even I was really nervous.
thanks again Nazy jan and many years of friendship to come.
Well! At last I've convinced myself using some extra(!) softwares for surfing net!
long long time no signal from me in your comment box :D
I am really happy that such coincidneces happened and make U a blogger.
To alahazrat: tnx for changing nazy from a blogger makhfi! to public blogger...
SHad zidd
It was Mehran who left me my first west-coast comment too. He truly deserves his title:)
سلام نازی خانم.هر کس مرا چیزی بیاموزد مرا بنده خود کرده است.امروز ترکیب قلب طلایی را یاد گرفتم.ممنون .در باب طلا آنچه گفتم برای شوخی کردن با کس دیگری بود،اما تقریبا همه جا و در طول تاریخ طلا و زینت آلات رازیبنده زنان می دانند و این البته فی نفسه خارج از دایره خوب و بد قرار دارد.شما هم درست می گویید.
شما انگلیسی را خیلی خوب می نویسید و من گرچه خودم نمی توانم اما اینرا متوجه شده ام.یکروز شاید بپرسم چرا به انگلیسی می نویسید ولی حالا نه.
شما بلاگیدن را نوعی زندگی می دانید و همین است که آنرا جدی و پرو پیمان و پراحساس و با لطائف بسیار اداره می کنید .خب باید زندگی کرد.زنده باشی
خیلی زیبا بود
خوشحالم که مهران و باقی دوستان عزیز باعث شدند که شناخته بشی. :)
Just Remember, you were one of the most important reason i m still writing after that great dep!! you know what I am talking about. Oh, by the way, in our friendship story telling, you missed Kiosk Concert in May 07, that we started a new season ( ha ha, like Freinds!)
Hey NorCal Guys! have you ever notice how much important is Kiosk in our relationship ? You know what I am talking about. Dont you?
nazy jan
that rainy day in February was great day for me to know new friends and making lot of change in my life, I am Lucky to know you and other friends
as leva wrote it seems the KIOSK is very important in nor cal gang history, I suggest write a post about that.
Salam Bar Mehran-e-Azizam:
Hee Hee, I remember on that day I wanted to flee the room quietly, but Leva stopped me at the door, and you came along, too, asking me questions about whether I was a blogger, too, and I hadn't prepared to brush you off, so I said "Yes, No!" And the two of you were teasing me about what kind of a blogger is and isn't a blogger at the same time! I told Leva that I blogged in English, and she said it is soooo easy to write in Farsi, and she wanted to show me righ there and then, and I just wanted to run away so I wouldn't have to show you my secret blog! That was so hilarious, more so in rerospect! I didn't know who Sima Shakhsari was, and I didn't even see that sweet Bayramali there! I had just come to be in the company of bloggers without being noticed, which obviously failed, but I am so glad for it now! You didn't seem nervous up at the table; I thought you guys were so brave, because you were talking about your painful divorce and your relatives in Kerman having discovered your blog address! And Leva was also talking about some important personal views.
Anyhow, it continues to be one of my best memories ever, because it delivered me into a life and a circle of friends which have been a constant source of inspiration and warmth to me. Until further notice, I do love blogging and I enjoy this medium of expression immensely. Thank you for that gift. The pleasure is all mine, Your Majesty.
Shobeir, Shobeir, Salam, Salam! How wonderful to see you here again! I'm glad you arrived on a post that is dear to me! Your absence has been felt my friend. Do use whatever software you had to use to get in here again, please. Thank you for your kind and supportive comment. I write for the joy of the dialogue. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does, I am buzzed for days. Thank you for having been an integral part of the dialogues we had this past summer. I do miss you and Alef Shin and Maryam's occasional appearances and Eiman's one or two. Of course Universal Farshad does a very good job of representing your group, but when you all come, it's a very good day, indeed. Perhaps I should write posts which are more intellectual, so as to get your attention! I try, but I have to live within the modest means of my own intellect (kam beza-at)! Be good my friend and finish those studies and that exam soon, so that we can chat.
Salam Jeerjeerak Jan:
It is so good to see you free of your studies and back in the cyberspace. I so wished you could come here for the holidays.
Mehran is a very special and generous soul. I remember one time I sent him something to see before I posted it. He wrote back at 3:00 a.m., telling me his impressions of that writing. He wrote back, giving me feedback, and a piece of his soul in the words he used to describe his feelings. I was so honored. A very special man, indeed.
Shad bash azizam.
Massoud Jan,
You are kind as usual. I have explained my reasons for writing in English before. I will write something more elaborate about that again soon. In summary, I live in an English-speaking country which is fraught with misunderstandings and misconceptions about Iran. I write my posts in English so that those who cannot read Farsi can come and read about Iran and Iranians and learn about our people, our customs, our poetry, our arts, our hopes and our lives. Those Iranians who can read English can come, too, and say their piece in Farsi or in English. There are also many young Iranians, some of whom grace my humble blog with their presence, who cannot read or write Farsi. That does not take away from their Iranian identity. They should be able to come and meet other Iranians from Iran and participate in the dialogue. If I write in Farsi, like many other bloggers who do it so very well, only Fari-speaking people can read them and understand them. I feel belonging to two countries I love, this is the least I can do to bridge the divide of misinformation and misunderstanding. More on this at a later time. Thanks again and take care.
Thank you Marzieh Jan. Yes, my friends were and continue to be instrumental in my blogging experience. I have learned a lot from them and I continue to learn from them. Thank you for coming and reading and leaving me comments. You rule!
Leva, Leva, you write because you can write so well! You have itchy fingers, too, like I do. I am honored to have become your friend.
Yes, Kiosk! Arash Sobhani said I should invite him to our next gathering, and I will soon. We will develop the outline for a post then!
Be happy azizam.
My Dear Bayramali:
Yes, that awful rainy day turned out to be a beautiful sunny day in my book, too! I never saw you that day, and later Mehran said that you had been there. Of course I had also seen your comment on his post on Mehranabad. The best part about that first Kiosk concert was that I met you and Vahid for the first time there. That was the day I ran my beautiful Shabdiz into the back of that car, but I made it to the concert anyway and that was a good thing because I met you.
Ala Hazrat rules!
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