My sons' friend, Iden, is back from Tehran. My older son went to work early this morning, and his brother went to work at around 1:00 p.m., leaving Iden at home with me
again. Kayvan, my sons' other friend, came to keep Iden company at my house. I had lunch and coffee with the two of them this afternoon, chatting about Iran and Ahmadinejad and their other friend, Shervin, who is now in Iran, wanting to get married to a girl he loves! They then went to our living room to do whatever 21-year-olds do when they are in the living room, I guess! As I was tidying up and cleaning my house in preparation for dear guests tomorrow night, I snapped a picture of the two of them. I was thinking how familiar the sight of two young men sitting on the couch and chatting feels for me. I was thinking how good it feels when I see my sons' friends feeling comfortable and "at home" in my home. I was thinking that for some years in my life I was deprived of that joy, and how fortunate I feel to have put those years behind me. I was thinking this might be one of the reasons I believe that some of the best things in life can be enjoyed with little or no money at all. I was thinking that just as I own the least I have had in years, I feel the richest and happiest. I thought all of that looking in on my young guests.
My gosh Nazy Joon: Such a simple post, and it makes me feel so warm inside. Having those two boys in your home, it's a sign of what a "cool" mom you are, that two of your sons' friends would feel comfortable hanging out with you when the boys aren't home!!
Of course, I already knew what a cool mom you are: this just further backs up my theory!
عسل راست می گه به نظر من هم خیلی جالبه که شما با چند نسل می تونی ارتباط خوبی برقرار کنی...نازی عزیز
سلام نازی جونم
ببینم مگه 21 ساله ها تو لیوینگ روم چی کار میکنن !!!!
your feelings come from your deep fondness and affection you have for your sons, I am familiar with this kind of feelings.I have 2 brothers 23 and 21. I love them as much that anywhere I see boys in their age, I like them as they remind me my brothers.
enjoy every moments of your life
Hi Nazy,
You are such an interesting and prolific blogger and now that I’ve been fortunate to find you it’s so hard to keep up with you. I’ll do my best, since you’re a fun and upbeat blogger with great posts.
سلام نازی خانم
"برای خوشبخت بودن باید به امکان خوشبخت شدن اعتقاد داشت"، و این چیزیست که تو به آن باور داری و قدر آنرا می دانی.
سر بسته به گذشته و تجربه هایت اشاره می کنی و می گذری.جه کسی داستان تو را می نویسد؟
تو هم به اندازه حرفهایی که برای نگفتن داری ،پر ارزشی
عمرت دراز و پر برکت باد
خوشبختی یک احساس درونیست. وقتی همه جنبه های وجود در تعادل باشند احساس خوشبختی از همیشه بیشتر است. موفق باشی و همیشه خوشبخت
چقدر عالی.هیچ چیز بهتر است احساس خوب در زندگی نیست.بهت تبریک میگم نازی جان و امیدوارم همیشه زندگیت پر از شادی باشه
nazy joon. Loved this post; and wish your life be filled with love forever.
شبيه ارتباطي که پدر و مادر من با من و دوستانم دارد
شبيه دوستي آنها با ماو همراهي هايشان
خوشبختي هايت هميشگي نازي عزيز وبزرگ
Assal Janam: Hee Hee, you should talk to my sons! Thank you for your vote of confidence, though! Iden is an easy guest to have, he eats anything and is very independent! I'm talking him into staying up here and going to college in these parts. The best thing about him is that he tells me stories about Tabriz, which he visited during his recent trip. Come over, have a cup of coffe with us and listen to his stories. Happy New Year wonderful Assal.
Salam Marzieh Jan:
Thank you. I don't know how and when that happened, but all of a sudden most of my friends are younger than me, some a whole lot younger than me! I consider that a truly special gift and cherish it as my most valuable asset at this stage of my life. I wish you the same gift in your life Marzieh Jan.
Hee Hee, Farshad Jan:
In their case, they were watching a movie, I guess!
Halat Jan, You said that so beautifully! Yes, that's so true! Thank you very much for your keen observation.
Thank you Bijan Jan. And you aren't so bad yourself! Happy New Year!
Salam Masoud Jan:
That was such a sweet comment. Thank you. I will write the story of my life someday. I'm waiting for it to happen in my head and heart first, and then I will write it on paper. Thank you again.
Salam Bar Shin-e-Azizam:
I am honored you came back my friend. Thank you. Yes, like other things most people cherish and search, happiness (loosely translated from Farsi "khoshbakhti") comes from within. Beauty, also, is something that comes from within people, I believe. Shad bash Shin Jan.
Manaye Azizam:
These "surprises" are awaiting you and Mrs. Shin, as your toddlers grow up into young men and bring their friends home! I would love to read your blog when Shaya is 21! Be happy Unforgettable Mana.
Thank you sweet Chakameh, and Happy New Year my friend.
Salam Neda Jan:
So, that's really good news to me, about your parents. See, if your parents share any characteristic with me, and they have managed to raise a daughter like you, artistic, kind, educated, and poetic, there is hope for me and my children, too! Lovely. Thank you Neda Jan.
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