My house has been slow to prepare for Christmas this year. We're getting there, though! I put up my sons' 18-year-old stockings today. Those stockings have traveled all over the world a few times now!
My sons and I stayed at the hotel where the wedding was. I went to bed very late last night and had to wake up very early this morning to go have coffee with someone before she left for the airport. All day I have felt tired and sleepy as a result. I tried to take a nap earlier this afternoon, but I couldn't fall asleep, as I'm not used to sleeping in the middle of the day. It appears that all of a sudden all the running around of the past few weeks has caught up with me. I feel like I'm in "super slow motion," where everything takes longer to comprehend, to respond, to lift, and to move! A good thing for this to happen at this time, too, as I am officially on the first day of a 4-day weekend, celebrating Christmas. I welcome the chance to do nothing for just a couple of days. I hope you are all enjoying your official first day of winter, and the upcoming holidays wherever you are. As for me, I am slooooowly getting ready to go visit my family for dinner tonight, and that makes me very happy. As I slept in that hotel room with my sons last night, listening to them breathe and shuffle in their beds (something I hadn't done for a couple of years), I was thinking why counting the ways in which we are fortunate and prosperous becomes so difficult somedays. Sometimes, all we have to do to know just how good life is, is to close our eyes in the dark and listen.
Happy shabe Yalda Nazy jan,
I was so busy lately that I couldn't manage to visit you. Nothing serious just the routine Christmas staff and the fact that I'm home for Holidays.
I only want to wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance. I hope wonderful things for you and your family in the coming year.
Kiss and hug
سلام نازی خانم
توی تاریکی لازم نیست چشمتو ببندی و فکر کنی،با چشم باز هم همون حکمو داره.اما فکر کردن به اونچه از سر گذروندی و بهت رسیده،موقعیتی که الان توشی و اینکه هر چی داری نعمته و قدرش رو باید بدونی،خیلی مهمه.می بینی که داشته هات خیلی بیشتر از نداشته هاس.
روز جمعه با خودم فکر میکردم،تا بحال چه کار مهمی کرده ام؟
متاسفانه دیدم دستم خالیه.یعنی چی.پس ما بوقیم دیگه.ولی بعد فکر کردم که همین زندگی ای که داریم با همین نعمتاش که گاهی فکر می کنیم شاید کم باشن،مهمترین چیزه.مهم اینه که با هم باشیم و دست همو بگیریم.خوب باشیم.یادته گفتی:خوب بودن مهمه،ولی مهم اینه که خوب باشی(اگر چه هردوش یکیه)؟
خوب باش و مهم باش
سلام نازنین نازی
چند روزیه وقت نشده این جا رو بخونم
.ولی هی میام سر مزنم انگار که می بینمت
امیدوارم همه روزها و شبهات با شادی وآرامش سپری بشه یلدا مبارک!
It is nice to be important but it is important to be nice
خوبه كه مهم باشي ولي مهم اينه كه خوب باشي
I know what you mean with just closing eyes and listening, you want to say how simple we can realize our prosperity.
deep feelings between mothers and children are stronger than any kind of love and really pleasurable !
be happy always and enjoy your life
Look at that red pile full of nuts, and the open fire:)
Nazy Joonam
Thanks for the conclusion. Sometimes I need to hear it: sometimes we keep being quite about our blessings in life that we forget about any happiness in our lives!
Rest well and hope to see you soon!
I just had the chance to read the end of the story. It was so much nice to hear they finally got married!
Salam Bar Daisy-e Azizam:
I hope you have been having a relaxing time with your family. Likewise, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope the New Year brings you joy, prosperity, success, and love. Come and visit me again my young friend, the artistic bookworm!
Salam Masoud Jan:
I think the biggest accomplishment in life is to have a decent life, surrounded by family and friends who love you. I once said to a friend of mine that happiness and accomplishment is not having a successful or famous partner in life (he was looking for such a partner). I told him that happiness is having someone send you off to work everyday, calling you to find out how your day is going, and waiting for you when you return home every night, even if that person is not glamorous, successful, or highly educated. As simple as that sounds, this is a happiness, an accomplishment, which many people pursue all their lives and never find. You and your wife have accomplished much in raising your beautiful children. That is your gift to humanity Masoud Jan. Look no further.
Thank you Marzieh Jan. I'm glad you're back. Sorry I have written a lot recently, and this might be boring to you! I'm just glad that you come. I hope you are having a good time with your wonderful family Marzieh Jan.
Salam Halat Jan:
Thank you for your sweet comment. Yes, you got my meaning. Your English is very good Halat Jan. It's always a pleasure hearing from you.
Tasteful and Observant Jeerjeerak Jan:
Thank you for that clip. I love it. Nat King Cole's original version of the song never grows old. Thank you my friend. When will you come here? Come on.
Salam Tameshk Jan:
I miss you! Looks like Hossein will be coming to you soon, and I'm glad for that.
You already have the gift of seeing all the simple and good things in life. Whenever I read your blogs or your poetry, or even your film and art reviews, I see that you are so capable of seeing beauty in the world and finding joy in simple things. You two are both gifted, each in different ways. I so wish you guys would move over here and be close to me. Maybe in 2008. Take care azizam.
Salam Bar Shahrzad:
Thank you for coming, for reading, and for leaving me a comment. I am honored. I'm glad you enjoyed reading the story. Yes, they did get married in a simple ceremony, surrounded by close friends and family. They have found each other and won't let go again; I'm confident of that. Take care and come back again Shahrzad Jan.
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