You remember Morteza, the third friend. Morteza gave a talk at the wedding tonight. He said this was one of the happiest nights of his life. He said right next to his own wedding and the days his kids had been born, he couldn't think of any other day in his life when he had been more joyous. He said everything about this union feels perfect to him. Later, I asked him for his permission to publish his photograph. He said so long as I made sure his part in my story was as important as it had been in real life! He believes his role was to be the keeper of hope for the couple's union, even if only in his heart. In keeping that hope, he and his wife made this five-day trip from UK, just to be at that Yalda wedding tonight. I believe any keeper of hope's role is very important, whether or not a story is ever written about it.
The End
سلام نازی خانم.
بالاخره به آخر رسید ولی عاشق به خونه ش نرسید.البته ایندو رسیدند ولی تا وقتی که عشق هست این فراق و
وصال هم هست .
خوشبختانه مریم به سهمش رسید ولی اگر رمان سهم من از خانم پرینوش صنیعی را خونده باشید اینطور نشد.آنجا هم دو دلداده پس از یک نسل وقتی دوباره بهم می رسند،فرزندان او با ازدواج مادرشان با عاشق دیروز و همیشه اش مخالفت می کنند.
او از همه ما می پرسد که :پس سهم من از زندگی چیست؟و کجاست؟
نام رمان هم برگرفته از همین سوال است.او مثل همه زنان ایرانی (لااقل بخش اعظمشان) خود را فدای فرزندانش می کند.
تو می توانی از این مختصر به کمک تخیلت یک رمان پر و پیمان از آب در بیاوری.
خوشا به سعادت همه تان
Congratulation for their wedding and your happy ending story Nazy jan.
Be good and Happy Yalda again.
Salam Masoud Jan: Thank you for your confidence in my writing! I have read that Saniee book. I know that it is a very popular book in Iran, too. Hopefully someday I will write a book, too. I don't want to write about sad things, though. I will write about happy things, things that people need to remember when they are sad! You will know when I get started with it! Be good Masoud Jan.
Thank you Leva Joonam! I am sorry I missed Yalda at your house, but I had a good excuse! I'm sure it must have been a wonderful time, as coming to your and Vahid's home always is. Come down and visit with me this week whenever you can.
to the end of love...
I do not have such an experience in love I am not sure can I name it unfortunate or not! but there is something in this story which made me to compare two old friends which come together after so many years with lovers that have met after a long time they have spent apart.two friends usually can not feel like before but lovers are with their first and last feelings no changes so LOVE is something alive in our hearts or souls, some thing like a candle that when you light, you'll have it for ever!
I wish the best for them :) .
Now i would like to think about it : Someone...Someday...Somewhere...Something...
It'll be happen to us .
Salam Banoo Jan:
This is the third time this week I am reminded of Leonard Cohen. I watched that video clip again on Chakameh's blog, and it made me cry watching those old couples with and without each other. I think people who are lucky enough to find a lasting love when they are young, or people who are given second chances at love are so blessed. To grow old with someone you love, respect, and trust is truly a gift unequalled in value to anything else in life. I wish you that gift. Be good azizam.
Halat Jan:
You say it so beautifully and so perfectly! Yes, love does have a surprising continuity. The intersting thing about it is that even when two people who used to love each other are no longer in love, there is a very good chance that they can remain friends, as they know so much about each other. Of course, that is if they have taken care of keeping the bridges. Be happy azizam.
Salam Niloufar Jan:
I am a true believer in love. It may happen like a lightning, or it may happy through a simple friendship, but I believe that every good heart will eventually find its mate. I am an incurable romantic, I know! But I believe that a heart that knows how to love will not stay lonely for long. Here's to love!
... and I am sure that you would continue this story later...
Salam Babak Jan:
Hee Hee, Yes, I might! But I have other stories to tell, too. I have lived long enough to see stories with happy beginnings and sad endings. I have also seen stories, such as this one, with a sad beginning and a happy ending. Corny as this may sound, this my favorite type of story to tell. I have a few more of these which I will write soon. Thanks for your interest my friend.
That is a stunning story....best of luck to everyone involved, I landed on your blog searching for Barbary bread and dreaming of meat (more specifically koobide kabab) and that story just stunned me.... It's amazing and heart warming...
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