Hafez Talks

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I am a citizen of this planet, who believes there is a purpose and mission to our existence. I pursue that mission and try to enjoy every lesson, every day, and every last drop of the pain and joy we drink when we live. I live a mostly regret-free life, with each failure quickly becoming a valuable experience and something to laugh about, and every success something about which to be thankful and celebrative. I do all of this in and around my beloved Berkeley, California.
Salam Khale Nazy:) So what happened to the Yalda Love Story?
نازي نازي نازي
بايد قيافه من رو ببيني الان
همين الان رسيدم سرکار و مطابق معمول هر صبح اولين کار ، خوندن بلاگت بود
باور مي کنيييييييييييييييي؟
من دقيقا ديروز يه نامه دريافت کردم که اين لينک رو فرستاده بود براي من ، و من هم چشم هامو بستم و از حافظ خواستم که با من حرف بزنه و دقيقا همين غزل اومد
نازي ي ي ي ي ي ي ي
اين يه نشانه خوبه
سلام نازی خانم.حافظ عصاره فرهنگ ایران است.پناه همه ست.حرف دل همه ماست.این یکی از برجسته ترین غزل های حافظ است،گرچه دیوان خواجه باغیست پر از گل و کرا می رسد گفتن اینکه کدام گل زیباترست؟
اگر خیلی شخصی نیست،آرزویت را بگو بدانیم.شیرینی اش صد چندان می شود.شیرین کام باشی
يه نشانه در اين صبحي که اولين برف نشسته ....
ادامه در
مرا زندگي کن
So happy for you nazy jan. Believing is achieving.
سلام نازی خانوم
شب یلداتون مبارک شاد باشید و سلامت هر جا هستید
قربون شما شادمانه
بچه یکی از فامیل هامون وقتی ازش در مورد کتاب خوندن می پرسند خواب میده من روزی یک کتاب می خونم ولی طفلکی مامان یک کتاب داره و هر شب هم می خوندش ولی هنوز تمامش نکرده- کتاب اشعار حافظ را میگفته!!امیدوارم هر روز یک فال خوب داشته باشی نازی حون
Salam Bar Babak. Welcome to my corner. So, which Babak are you? Though I would like to know which one you are, I would be honored to be your Khaleh.
I will work on the story tonight. I might post it a little later. We are having a huge family reunion in the area, and with working and attending nightly gatherings, it has become increasingly hard to sit down and work on my writing. I am aware that I will have to finish it by Yalda. Thanks for your interest my unmet nephew! Come again soon.
Salam Neda Jan:
That IS a good sign! I did try the link several times to see if they only have a limited number of poems, but it appears that they have many different ones in there, so that is an interesting coincidence. When Hafez talks to me, I believe. Such is my relationship with Lesan-ol-gheib. Be happy Banoo Jan. I will come and read your post soon.
Salam Bar Masoud:
Hee Hee, Sorry, no, I can't tell you my wish, because a "niyat" is a secret between me and Hafez!
Yes, Hafez is everyone's poet. From almost illiterate Iranians to intellectual ones, everyone believes they can understand what Hafez is telling them. Such is the magic of this extraordinary poet. Hafez's spell on our nation has worked for several hundred years and I hope it will into the future. Thank you for coming.
Thank you Jeerjeerak Jan! Some of Hafez's poems do not need any interpretation and elaboration. This is one of them. Happy Yalda azizam.
Salam Bar Shademaneh. Thank you for coming and for leaving me that kind comment. Happy Yalda to you, too. I came and visited your blog. Very nice. Happy Eid-e-Ghorban to you, too. My parents were both Haji's and Eid-e-Ghorban was always celebrated very elaborately in our household. It was an occasion when all my parents' families from both sides gathered and a very good day was had by all. This is probably my most favorite Moslem holiday, as a result. Thank you for the reminder in your blog. Be good, the young woman with a beautiful name, Shademaneh.
سلام نازی عزیزم
چه غزلی آمده عشق منه..
امیدوارم که زندگیت هر روز زیباتر از روز قبل باشه ..
این جمله چقدر دلنشین بود:Believing is achieving.
واو مرسی جیرجیرک جان...همینه راز خوشبختی....
Mana Jan, thank you for that sweet story! Very funny! I now have a collection of several Hafez books in typeset and in calligraphy, in pocket size, all the way to big bound versions. They are some of the few "things" I truly take pride in owning. I do visit them once a week on Friday nights just as I start my weekend, in my "alone time." That is my weekly ritual. Thanks again for your sweet comment. Shad bash Manaye Be Yad Mandani.
من هم همين امتحان را انجام دادم و به نشانه ايمان آوردم.
Marzieh Jan: I'm glad you appreciate the significance of that poem. It is full of hope and belief in good things to come. I can't believe I'm still joyful for having read it yesterday morning! Be good azizam.
این برای من آمد نمیدونم میشه کلیک کرد یا نه..
نازی جون انگار خوابت نمیاد!؟؟
Marzieh Jan: I couldn't see your Faal, if that's what you were trying to show me. Perhaps you could type the first few verses for us. Na aslan khabam nemiyad! Bayad baghi-e-ghesseh ra benevisam. Can you believe that they are having a "white Yalda" in Tehran? I am sooooo missing Iran tonight. Take care azizam.
خدای من داره برف میاد تهران..توی آذر ماه خیلی وقتا این جوره دیگه.یادش به خیر
آخ جون قصهههههههه
سلام نازی خانوم گلی...
مرسی لطف دارین خانومی....جای شما اينجا خيلی خاليه...
هر جا هستين براتون آرزوی سلامتی و شادی دارم.
موفق باشيد.
The one who is "In USA".
I was so inspired by the story that it took me to my childhood, eagerly waiting for the next weekly KEYHAN BACHEHA to read the rest of stories.
When I started typing my first post for you, KHALE just came to my mind and then moved to my five fingers:) May be because of your cute smile or your blog or the "virtual intimacy".
Salam Bar Babak In USA!
Please forgive me for not recognizing you immediately. The new Blogspot comment identifiers are a bit confusing now and don't identify other bloggers properly.
I am delighted and honored to have you here and to have received your comment! Your blog is an extremely intelligent and interesting blog, and I am honored to know that you would come and read my scribblings at all!
So, I have posted the next part, with just a Prologue to go! I hope it hasn't been disappointing. Since it's a true story, I cannot embellish it too much, but even so, I do believe it to be a somewhat unique or rare story as far as real life goes.
Sorry again for not recognizing you. Please come again, and for all intents and purposes, I would be honored to be your Khaleh.
Salam Dobare.
Thank you for all of your compliments. I have been reading your blog since I came to the States. Your writings are like dance of the words (I could not come up with any better expressions).
Actually I read the story in the morning. I think it is not just the story but the way that you tell the story that makes it interesting. I think you are a good writer. May be we should buy your book and read your novel someday. You know both words and the world enough to write a novel!
I am sorry that I did not post the proper blog address of mine. But I am not happy with blogfa services so I will be moving to blogspot soon!
سلام نازی جان. چرا چند شب زودتر فال گرفتی؟
Salam Ehsan Jan:
This wasn't my Yalda faal! Come visit my Yalda post and please leave me something from yourself. Be happy azizam and Happy Yalda to you and beautiful Maryam.
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