Shahrnush Parsipur

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I am a citizen of this planet, who believes there is a purpose and mission to our existence. I pursue that mission and try to enjoy every lesson, every day, and every last drop of the pain and joy we drink when we live. I live a mostly regret-free life, with each failure quickly becoming a valuable experience and something to laugh about, and every success something about which to be thankful and celebrative. I do all of this in and around my beloved Berkeley, California.
مثل همیشه ممنون نازی عزیزم
اینقدر ملت اون جا مشغول بحث بودند ..که یادشون رفته این جا چیزی بنویسند..
کاش یه کم ملایم تر نظراتمون را ارائه دهیم.:(
نازی عزیزم سلام
شایدم بهتر باشه بگم برای چندمین بار سلام !!!!
همونطور که شاید بدونی ما تو ایران امکان خرید اینترنتی نداریم چون امکان داشتن مستر کارت یا ویزا کارت نداریم ....
ولی خوب این رو هم بگم که اغلب همه ی چیزها در این شهر قابل پیدا کردنه !!!!
من می گردم و سعی می کنم پیدا کنم کتابشون رو
37276سلام نازی خانم.موضوع کتاب خانم پارسی پور باید جالب و خواندنی باشد.هر انسانی (اگر درست فهمیده باشم:هر مردی)وابسته به فرهنگ و تمدن خود هست و علیرغم اشتراکات، وجوه تمایز قابل توجه با دیگران دارد.هرکسی با تربیت خودش زندگی می کند ،نه با دانشش.
اتفاقیست که این پست هم موضوعش مرد است؟
حق با دوستانست.آنقدر مشغول بودیم دیروز که به این پست نپرداختیم.تازه کی از من ملایم تر؟
گزارش خانم برومند یادت نره.سپاسگزارم.
Salam Bar Marzieh-ye Azizam:
Ha ha! It's quite alright my friend! I write in my blog for the joy of others' coming, reading, and saying their piece. It's not always fun and games! I have had some pretty energetic dialogues going on in here in the past. I just hope that everybody is respectful of each other and that we all learn observing their dialogue. This was a vigorous one! Both Masoud and Leva are extremely intelligent individuals with their own styles of communication. It's all good with me. Thanks for coming and leaving a comment again. You rock Marzieh Jan!
Salam-o-sad salam Farshad Jan:
I know it's not possible to order things online from Iran. When her book is published on paper, I'll make sure I send you a copy. Have you read "Tooba va mani-e shab?" I think you can find that one in Tehran. Parsipur is an accomplished writer who lives a very simple life. I think the least we can do to support those who work in the cultural field is to buy their works, so that they can sustain a livelihood. Be happy Farshad Jan.
Salam Bar Masoud-e-Aziz:
I have not read Shahrnush's new book yet. As soon as I do, I will talk about it. The Boroumand report is really hard for me to write, because it talks about a very sad subject. During her presentation yesterday, I cried several times. When I feel stronger, I will write it, to be sure.
Yes, you are molayem. Leva is an extremely intelligent young woman with a heart of gold. She does have her own style of expression, which is always delightful for me to read. Whichever way each of us express oursevelves, we must never lose sight of the fact that the message is what matters most, not so much the style. Thank you for coming again and take care my friend.
سلام نازی عزیزم !!!!
مرسی ....
اما منظور من این نبود به خدا !!!!
نه نخوندم این کتاب رو البته خریدمش دیروز ! امروز ببینم می تونم بخونمش
خوش باشی عزیزم
I know Farshad Jan! I only said that to make sure you will get to read Shahrnush's book. Of course I know you so well, my friend! Be good.
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