A Meeting On A Street Corner

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I am a citizen of this planet, who believes there is a purpose and mission to our existence. I pursue that mission and try to enjoy every lesson, every day, and every last drop of the pain and joy we drink when we live. I live a mostly regret-free life, with each failure quickly becoming a valuable experience and something to laugh about, and every success something about which to be thankful and celebrative. I do all of this in and around my beloved Berkeley, California.
Nazy Joon:
I love the photos you take, especially any Berkeley-related photo!
I am sure your bosses weren't talking about you, but even if they were: To be worthy of being talked about is better than the alternative! And you are definitely worth talking about!!
نازی جان سلام
عجب !!!!
من که هیچ دلم نمی خواد ریسی رو تو خیابون ببینم !!!!!
می گم چه جالب که اونها استقبال کردن از عکس گرفتن !!! من که اگر بودم امکان نداشت اجازه بدم کسی از من عکس بگیره اونم تو خیابون در حال بحث !!!!! راستی آخر هفته ی خوبی داشته باشی
take care Nazy jan ;-)
Assal Jan:
Thanks for your supportive comment. I do have many pictures of Berkeley, but things pile up on me and I feel I have to push those pictures aside and use more relevant photos. I will post more Berkeley photos for you soon, my friend.
My boss knows about my blog and sometimes comes to read it. She knows I am always taking pictures for it, too. Since I take pictures of my co-workers routinely, most people are used to seeing me with a camera by now. They might think it's because I am originally a foreigner, and naturally interested in my environment as a tourist! For whatever reason, I haven't gotten into trouble yet! When I come to Tehran, I will photograph you frequently, I assure you! Be happy azizam.
Banoo Neda Jan: I will. Thanks.
خیلی خندیدم نازی عزیزم ...
باشه حتما ...
شما تشریف بیار عکس هم ما میگذاریم شما بگیره ;)
Farshad Jan, It's a deal!
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