My friend, Kay, is retiring from university employment next week. We had a retirement party for her at H’s Lordships Restaurant in Berkeley Marina. Kay is one of those people you seldom meet and never forget. She is full of energy and life and dedication, with strong work ethics and values. When her son who was in his mid-thirties suddenly died last year, she rolled up her sleeves and started taking care of his two high-school-age children. In fact it is to provide a better life for them that she is moving to Sacramento . My heart is full of sadness, already missing this remarkable woman, but it is also full of pride in knowing her exemplary strength and courage. After giving a little speech about her (my boss gave the big speech), I led the group into singing Kay's and my favorite song together. We were a sight! Well, it's the idea that counts!
Walking into H’s Lordships brought back so many memories for me from a time when this was one of the fanciest restaurants in this area, and my college used to hold its annual Homecoming Dances there. I remembered myself as the bright-eyed young woman that I was, observing and loving my new environment, feeling brave to participate and to learn. Memories were threatening to flood me!

"I am, indeed, too many years past my bright-eyed young woman stage to bother with it anymore!"
YOU ARE NOT! Your eyes are still bright and you are still have more youth and beauty and life inside of you that most people I know in their twenties...
SO...Wear red shoes everyday!
سلام کفش قرمزی عزیز.زندگی پر از تلخ و شیرین است."زندگی اینست
در شرنگی ،شهد و
در شهدی،شرنگی"
(سیمین بهبهانی).
وقتی واقع بین باشیم شیرینش را دوست میداریم و تلخش راهم به جان می خریم.عربها میگویند:یقولون الموت صعب علی الفتی
مفارقه الاحباب والله اصعب.(میگویند مرگ برای جوان سخت است،بخدا قسم دوری دوستان از آن سخت تراست).
سیرت زیبا جاودانست و می ماند،چه باک از صورت زیبا گر می رود.
شهد ایام به کامت باد.
وای چه میکنی با توصیف هات....... من که خودمو اون جا میدیدم و دلم با دلتنگی توبرای دوستت تنگ شدوووو.. تبریک میگم!
در ضمن چهره دوست داشتنی و شادابی داری.. راست میگه عسل..
امیدوارم که همیشه دلت ونگاهت شفاف و
روشن باشه.بوسسسسس
.. مقاله رو خوندم...
من هم خوندنشو به خواهر زاده جوونم توصیه میکنم...
I have not seen you yet but I can guess how you look!
nice , sweet and kind, and I am sure about it,you know how? cause your face are your writings your lovely poems and the way you look and live.
WOW love it ...
من فکر می کنم که بازنشستگی خیلی قشنگه ...
شاید بشه گفت یه جورایی از بالا به مسائل نگاه کردنه ....
و البته کوله باری از خاطرات زیبا ، آخه بنظر من هر چیزی که می گذره زیباست ...
Assal Jan, you are so kind! I'm not too hard on my aging process anymore. I have lived a wonderful rich life, full of fabulous memories and good friendships with people of all ages. The red shoes will have to rest for a long time before I forget how much my feet hurt yesterday. Be happy azizam.
Thank you Masoud Jan. You are so right! The key to a happy life is to take every moment as a gift which can be cherished or spoiled by choice, and what better way to live it than to thoroughly enjoy it, even the more challenging and painful moments. Have a good day in beautiful Ahvaz.
Merci Marzieh Jan. You are very kind. It matters very little what we look like; it matters how we feel and how others feel in our company. I feel absolutely wonderful in your company, so I consider you a beautiful woman, even though I don't know what you look like. (Your daughter is really cute, so you must be physically beautiful, too!) Shad bash.
Salam Halat Jan. I missed you! Thank you. I am at best a mediocre individual, but I am sure of one thing, and that is that I do love life and people. A co-worker once told me something that I never forget: "It is nice to be important, but it is important to be nice." That is a good motto for me and has worked for me through my life. Have a good day in Tehran azize delam.
Salam Uni-Far Jan:
Retirement is a good thing for some people. I don't think I will ever retire! I might change jobs or hobbies, but I can't imagine ever not working or doing something! I started working when I was 15 and I know no other way. Be happy Farshad Jan.
راست می گی نازی عزیزم پدر من هم دقیقا همین جورین
یعنی اصلا باز نشستگی براشون معنا نداره ....
امیدوارم همیشه و در همه حال موفق باشی
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