- I wish for world peace in 2008. I hope loss of innocent human lives stops in 2008. I hope all the mean people in the world to wake up tomorrow and be incapable of hating anymore.
- I resolve to lose weight.
- I resolve to quit smoking.
- I resolve to work harder on my career this year.
- I wish my niece gets well and her red blood cells don’t attack her body anymore.
- I wish my older son will be admitted to a good university this year. I wish my younger son to continue on his path of positive growth and self discovery.
- I wish Kavoos would pass his horrible exams.
- I wish Mehran would finish his last two terms successfully.
- I wish Leva would laugh at how silly it was to worry about January 2008.
- I wish Bayram would fall in love.
- I wish Maryam would get the job of her dreams at Stanford Medical Center.
- I resolve to read more books this year. I need to start and finish reading the 12 books on my nightstand (the ones I dust every week, but don’t have time to read).
- I wish to go to Iran this year.
- I resolve to take more serious steps in improving my writing. I must attend a writing class. I want to get started on my book this year.
- I wish my friend gets a US visa and comes to visit the man she loves.
- I wish I would become stronger and more able to forget some of the painful memories of my past.
- I resolve to look into yoga this year (notice I only want to “look in” for now).
- I wish for myself and others without a partner to be thunder struck with the love of a good person this year. Life is too short.
- I wish to learn Scottish dancing. Better yet, I wish to learn Kurdish dancing this year.
- I resolve to clean my garage (it’s a mess, believe me). Happy New Year Everybody!
My Wishes in 2008
Iran On My Mind
سبزی صد چمنسرخی خون منسپیدی طلوع سحربه پرچمت نشستهای ایران، ایران
Young Guests

Heather Rastovac in Berkeley

San Francisco East Bay Weather
Lily Afshar
2:00 P.M. Heartbreak
Time To Diet
Opening My Presents
Merry Christmas

Alone With The Dishwasher
Winding Down

A Yalda Love Story (Epilogue)

A Yalda Invitation

یارم چو قدح بدست گیرد
بازار بتان شکست گیرد
هرکس که بدید چشم او گفت
کو محتسبی که مست گیرد
در بحر فتاده ام چو ماهی
تا یار مرا بشست گیرد
در پاش فتاده ام بزاری
آیا بود آنکه دست گیرد
خرم دل آنکه همچو حافظ
جامی ز می الست گیرد
And here are musical contributions from Amir, the groom of the Yalda wedding, a present to his bride, and one love song from my sweet and wonderful friend, Hadi, who always reads me and gives his comments verbally! Happy Yalda Everybody. Have a great weekend, filled with warm bonfires of love and understanding in your hearts. Be good y'all, wherever on this planet you are tonight.
Photo by Babak Bordbar, Fars News Agency, Shiraz Music Festival, December 2007 (I have cropped this photo).
A Yalda Love Story (Part IV)
Hafez Talks

A Yalda Love Story (Part III)
Ala Hazrat Haj Agha

A Yalda Love Story (Part II)

Bacheh Mahal's

Embraces of Love

Scattered Thoughts of A Thursday

After much hard work on their part and a lot of anxiety on mine, my kids finished their semester this week. Boy, I am relieved. Living with college students has its own trials and tribulations. Each term, from their slow start to the frenzy of activity, term papers, all-nighter study sessions and exam days, performing the “support role” has its moments for me, too. I have to cajole, give rides, read papers, feed, listen to stories, ask questions, frown, smile, and get alternatively mad or exhilarated before the term is finished. They are done for now and I only suffered a colitis attack this week! Life is more beautiful all of a sudden now.
My family is gathering in the Bay Area again, and I’m really excited. Planes, trains, and automobiles are the order of the day in the coming days. I can’t wait to look at their faces and to hold them in my arms. Soghati is always welcome, too!
I wrote a piece about Farrokh Shehabi, the ceramics artist in Iranian.com today. You remember my telling you about him a couple of months ago. If you live in this area, do go and visit this interesting man in his studio this weekend, December 15th and 16th at Berkeley Artisans Holiday Open Studios, where he and many other artists open their studios and the public can go meet them and view their art. The address is: Sawtooth Building; 2547 8th Street at Dwight; Bay 2, Studio #23; Berkeley, CA 94710; Tel: 510 841-0843.
I haven’t watched a DVD in a long time. My younger son and I have a “date” to watch The Bourne Ultimatum sometime soon. If it’s good, I’ll tell you about it.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm about the Yalda Love Story! I will be giving you Part II soon. Watch this amazing video clip of music by a master and dance by another, which my friend, Shohreh, sent me. Joy.
A Yalda Love Story (Part I)
Blue Bay and Red Shoes

Chatting With Mehran
Shahrnush Parsipur


Quiet Love
- Make a cup of tea for someone without their asking for it. Take a small tray, put the nicest china cup and saucer you can find in your home, pour the tea in the cup, put it on the try, put a tea spoon and a sugar bowl on the tray and take it to them.
- Wash the dishes without being asked (if this is not a part of your normal routine).
- Take his or her eyeglasses and wash and dry and polish them and put them back where you found them.
- Voluntarily put the television on the channel they like to wach. Then go sit next to them and watch their favorite program with them for an hour.
- Write " I Love You" on a piece of paper an tape it on the mirror in the bathroom. This can work for your partner or your kids equally.
The list can be longer, but you get the gist of what I'm saying. Be unpredictably attentive. Surprise them. You don't need words for that. Nothing feels better than having someone in our life who cares about us, what we like, and how we feel. Give that gift to the people around you this weekend. I guarantee good result. Be good y'all.
A Meeting On A Street Corner

Peace On Earth
Christmas On The Way
با هر نگاه
بر آسمان اين خاک هزار بوسه ميزنم
نفسم را از رود سپيد و آسمان خزر و خليج هميشگي فارس ميگيرم
من نگاهم از تنب بزرگ و کوچک و ابوموسي نور ميگيرد
من عشقم را در کوه گواتر در سرخس و خرمشهر به زبان مادري فرياد خواهم زد
فرياد خواهم زد
تفنگم در دست سرودم بر لب
همه ي ايران را ميبوسم
من خورشيد هزار پاره ي عشق را بر خاک وطن مي آويزم
من خورشيد هزار پاره ي عشق را بر خاک وطن مي آويزم
اي وارثان پاکي من آخرين نگاهم
بر آسمان آبي اين خاک و خليج هميشگي فارس
فارس فارس خواهد بود
ترانه سرا : عادل حسینی آهنگساز : محمد شمس تنظیم کننده : محمد شمس
If you can't access YouTube, listen to it here.
Persian Gulf 101

Persian Gulf

Photo from here.
Hamed Nikpay

Berkeley Events
My Friend's Corner
Breaking Barbari Bread*