
Persian Gulf

They sit as President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran at the GCC Summit in Doha, under a sign that reads "The Arabian Gulf Cooperation Council." Did something happen over the past 24 hours to change 3000 years of history for Iran? Has Mr. Ahmadinejad accepted that it is now the "Arabian Gulf?" On whose behalf? In return for what? A seat at a conference table? No true Iranian would accept to sit under that sign. Iranian Presidents and dignitaries have left state receptions because a bottle of wine was served or a woman was singing at an event, stating the host's disrespect for their beliefs as their excuse. They would, however, stay and participate in a meeting whose very name is hostile to and demeaning of Iran's territorial sovereignty? Over the past decade, we have had to continually fight to remind the Arab countries and their European and American business partners that it is THE PERSIAN GULF, not "The Gulf," nor "The Arabian Gulf," it is THE PERSIAN GULF. Must we now tell the Iranian President and his Minister of Foreign Affairs the same thing, too? This is surreal. Iran's "representatives" have brought shame to our nation tonight. That's what I think.
Photo from here.


Chakameh Azimpour said...

Nazy joon, aval sobh postet ro khoondam, va ghalbam feshordeh shod. Az sobh behesh fekr mikonam va hanooz yek chizi too ghalbam feshar dadeh misheh. Hata nemitoonestam in ha ro fe English benevisam. This is probably the ever first time that I needed to use Persian words to express myself. I also got a message from a Facebook goup to sign a letter, and I am not even sure if that helps!

Siah said...


I haven't seen any rational behavior from this moron so far, so I'm not expecting anything this time

Anonymous said...

Yes, none of us expect anything from him, true: But hypocrisy only goes so far...

WTF is he doing and why doesn't anyone just shoot him already?

Nazy said...

Chakameh Jan:

Anything helps! Remember that Google bomb that young Iranian created? Remember the tons of letters we wrote to National Geographic? Remember the letters we wrote to the Leuvre Museum when they printed their booklet with a Middle East map which called the Persian Gulf Arabian Gulf? All of those actions worked. We are not powerless. If we do something, anything, it will work, because we count. That's what I think.

Nazy said...

Salam Siah Jan:

This one wins the cake, I'm afraid!

Nazy said...

Assa Jan:

Shooting anyone or anything doesn't help. Thinking, talking, writing, and taking action does. We have to be vigilant and ready to act whenever we see anyone changing the history in favor of money and power. Be happy azizam.

مسعود said...

سلام.نازی خانم.این وظیفه همه ماست که به هر وسیله ای که بتوانیم از تغییر نامهای جغرافیایی جلوگیری کنیم.متاسفم که منافع ملی ما بازیچه دست کم خردانی شده است که وقتی باید اعتراض کنند خاموشند و وقتی که باید خاموش باشند معترضند.اعتراض به هولوکاست و سکوت و نشستن زیر علم خلیج عربی.حسنین هیکل در کتاب پاییز خشم در باره سادات نوشته است که بسیار دوست می داشت در برابر دوربین ها قرار بگیرد و به اصطلاح امروزیان روی آنتن برود.گویا هموطن کم خرد ما هم همینطور است.وا اسفا.سعدی شیرین سخن گفته است:دو چیز طیره عقل است :سخن گفتن به وقت خاموشی و خاموشی به وقت گفتن.سر افراز و سر بلند باشی.

مسعود said...

سلام نازی جان.همین چند دقیقه پیش در وبلاگ سنتز خواندم که علامت شیر و خورشید سرخ پس از خاتمه مهلت دولت سوییس به دولت ایران،حذف و علامت کریستال قرمز ستاره داوود اسراییل به عنوان سومین نماد امداد جهانی پذیرفته شد.به پذیرش این یکی اعتراضی ندارم ولی از بی عرضگی دولت ایران ناراحتم.امروز برای من روز خوبی نبود.این دیگر مصداق بی خردیست. جلال آل احمد روزی به دکتر بقایی نوشت(قریب به این مضمون):اگر چیز دیگری به تو نمی گویم از مناعت طبع منست وگرنه تو لیاقت از این بدتر را هم داری.روزت خوش باد.

Nazy said...

Salam Masoud Jan:

We live in times when those who can think and feel stay away from politics, leaving politics to people who can't think and feel. That's why our world is suffering so much. Many people in the US are also very unhappy with the way this country is being managed and the lives lost as a result of poor policies. We can't let despair to settle in, though. We must find ways in our immediate worlds to bring awareness and hope to ourselves and to those around us. Politicians come and go. Nations remain. That's where our energies must go, towards dialogues with people, the ones who are so easily forgotten by politicians. An aware and educated nation will eventually find a way to have better leaders, I believe.